The 4 million is the number Bloomberg gave for 2012 and yes, it is accurate for 2012. It was a copy and paste from their article! I didn't write the numbers!
All of the manufacturers mentioned have increased their sales since 2012 except for Fiat who majorally sells in Europe and sales there are in the toilet. The 7th place standing of Fiat Chrysler is correct for Jan 1, 2015 after having moved up from 8th place. Even Forbes and many other respected publications also comfirm it.
Who's really the "dumbass"? Ohh! Wait! Maybe you think you are smarter than those working with the real facts?
Yes, Perrysburg Dodgeboy, all auto manufacturers have vendor sorting going on daily and will have because "vendor/supplier self certification" hasn't been as nearly effective as it was hyped up to be or become. A dollar only contains 100 pennies and that is true for suppliers of components to the auto industry also and purchasing contracts go to the lowest bidder on the approved list. 100% perfect would be utopia but as you know/see daily, 100% perfect is a pipe dream unless 100% are verified individually. That's why there's tolerance variables and interpretations in the real world and all done by imperfect human beings.