Silicone is a good sealant when used in compression between two surfaces where UV and weather are not present, i.e. under a window or door flange.
The polymer sealants like Geocel and Lexel are superior to everything else when exposed to UV and weather. Using butyl tape, which is waterproof, allows for surface irregularities and compresses well under door and window flanges.Followed by sealing the perimeter of a window (except bottom) with a polymer sealant, offers a double protection of the seal from the window to the body of the trailer.
If I had a failed floor from water leaking, I'd do an interior pressurized leak test to make sure I could seal all leaks. The pressure test will turn up even a pinhole leak.
FWIW, when I restored my Starcraft and applied many tubes of sealant around and between all the areas I thought may leak, the pressure test turned up a dozen or so leak spots. I then applied Eternabond tapes to everything on the roof and applied Geocel Polymer adhesive to any areas on the siding or around windows. No leaks present, AFAIK. I plan to DIY more periodic leak tests as a maintenance item.
Good luck with your Terry!