Forum Discussion

CT_Camping_Al's avatar
Sep 08, 2017

Replacing the Corplast underbelly on travel trailer

Hello. This is my first post! I am replacing the thermal underbelly material (corplast) on my TT. Has anyone replaced it on theirs?
The concern I have is that the old material sagged and we got “moused” badly. In addition, some of the heating ducts extend down a couple of inches, so I can’t just screw the new material back up.
I want to frame it out using lightweight 2”x3” aluminum downspout material and was wondering if anyone has experience using it. I plan on adding some spray foam inside it in various places for rigidity. I would then screw the new corplast to the aluminum using sheet metal screws. This would give me the additional space I need for the heating ducts.
Are there any concerns I need to be aware of?
Thank you!
  • When I added it to my trailer which had none, I supported it with angle aluminum between the frame rails. It worked great.
  • Aluminum downspouts are VERY thin !

    Seeing as there is nothing structural, how about PVC/plastic square downspout material ? I would use stainless fender washer and long stainless screws to drill THROUGH and secure the corplast to the actual frame.

    Sounds like a good material for the job !
  • I used 2 by fir ripped down to match the existing frame width. I insulated with Lowe's foam board and R-Max & cut to fit smaller pieces to wedge into the frame perimeter. It seems to maintain a 6 to 10°F differential most cold nights with no heat running.

    Plumbing tape was used to spread the load by the manufacturer, I reused it.
  • Mine used fender washers to spread out the load. That seemed to work well.