May-07-2016 06:06 PM
May-24-2016 08:09 PM
May-23-2016 03:42 PM
NC Hauler wrote:45Ricochet wrote:fla-gypsy wrote:
If you buy one their monthly percentage will go up dramatically.
Ridgeline a truck? Isn't it still a unibody pulling machine?
I'm sure it will do well in the big cities, countryside not so much.
Not my idea of a "truck", but I'm stupid and it IS 2016...everything has changed..a station wagon, or a semblance of that type vehicle is now an SUV or UTE or a "truck, be it whatever with a little bed in it, VW pick ups, Subaru Brat or whatever it was called are now with a 1500# payload, guess that qualifies it as a bonifide pick up truck...just not in my eyes, but again...I'm stupid:)
May-22-2016 12:24 PM
goducks10 wrote:
That's impressive. Now if they just made a 5th hitch for one.
May-22-2016 12:10 PM
snopes wrote:
The stupidity of some people in this world never fails to amaze me. This attached picture is real — not doctored in any way — and was taken last week in Waldorf, MD by a Transportation Supervisor for a company that delivers building materials for 84 Lumber. When he saw it there in the parking lot of IHOP, he went and bought a camera to take pictures. The car is still running as can be witnessed by the exhaust.
A woman is either asleep or otherwise out in the front seat passenger side. The guy driving it was over jogging up and down on Rt. 925 in the background. The witnesses said their physical state was OTHER than normal and the police just shook their heads in amazement. The driver finally came back after the police were there and was getting down at the back to cut the twine around the load. They told him to get back until it was taken off.
The materials were loaded at Home Depot. The Home Depot store manager made the customer sign a waiver before loading. Both back tires are trashed. The back shocks were driven up through the floorboard. On the roof are many 2X4s, 4X4s and OSL sheets of lumber. The load isn't all that meets the eye either. In the back seat were ten 80-pound bags of concrete! They estimated the load weight at 3000 lbs. The car is a VW Jetta with FL plates and the guy said he was headed for Annapolis!
May-22-2016 11:23 AM
May-22-2016 10:48 AM
45Ricochet wrote:
Who wants to shovel a yard of gravel out of any truck anyway :H
I gave that idea up years ago, but maybe the younger guys still do it.
May-22-2016 10:37 AM
RAS43 wrote:
Couldn't put a 5th wheel hitch in the older Ridgeline as the bed is fiberglass. Maybe the new style is different. But the load capacity isn't high enough for a 5th wheel anyway.
May-22-2016 09:48 AM
May-22-2016 09:35 AM
May-22-2016 09:06 AM
May-21-2016 05:32 PM
May-21-2016 06:08 AM
45Ricochet wrote:
Who wants to shovel a yard of gravel out of any truck anyway :H
I gave that idea up years ago, but maybe the younger guys still do it.
May-20-2016 08:49 PM
45Ricochet wrote:
Who wants to shovel a yard of gravel out of any truck anyway :H
I gave that idea up years ago, but maybe the younger guys still do it.
May-20-2016 08:16 PM