^^ Auto headlights don't take over your use of the headlights, they just come on when dark enough, the high beam comes on if no traffic in the view and turns off it there is. You can still turn them on if you want or turn them off if the auto turns them on and you didn't want them on.
Not sure why people think automation in a car is a bad thing. There is always an override and often a way to turn the feature off completely. I have autosensing wipers. I often forget they are on, can go days without realizing they are on, then rain hits the window, and they wipe. I didn't have to do anything. I never, think, I didn't want that to wipe... Same with the headlights and auto high beam... I could go on about adaptive cruise, but this thread is about uncomfortable seats. If my Ford had comfortable seats, it would be the best vehicle I have owned, but sadly it doesn't. My next vehicle will have all these features and more, hopefully it has comfortable seats.