Forum Discussion

ken56's avatar
Apr 04, 2020

Soft spots in floors

I have read on here before that some people were experiencing soft spots in their floor on some Keystone models. I have a '17 Laredo that has developed a soft spot in the floor and having just had the roof inspected by a dealer they say there are no leaks they can find. I trust this dealer, they are small town and family owned and very customer oriented.

Has anyone contacted Keystone for their issue and did you get any satisfaction on it? Mine is not like I am going to put my foot through the floor but it is noticeably soft. It is the foam core sandwich type floor. Any insight on this?
  • I have a '17 Laredo that has developed a soft spot in the floor and having just had the roof inspected by a dealer they say there are no leaks they can find. I trust this dealer, they are small town and family owned and very customer oriented.

    It's the ones that they CAN"T find that's the problem.
  • I have a soft spot in my floor. I think it's from not enough support underneath. I've done a good job at checking for and fixing any leaks. I just don't worry about the spot as long as it's not getting any worse.
  • Located just to the left of the entry door. My kitchen is in a slide immediately left of the entry, 2 refers, stove and sink in an island. I have spent the whole day today looking and inspecting and maybe have found the culpret. My docking station is at the right rear corner of the rig and I took apart the coverings to the back side of it. Hooked up the hose to dewinterize and guess what, the floor got wet inside by a little but steady leak. When under pressure the inside connection forms a little drip and of course if hooked up for weeks at a time that little leak is going to seap into a lot of places.

    I think this one is one me for not catching it. Someone else posted on here about that connection coming lose over time. Unless I am going to be willing to pay out of pocket for a repair I may just live with it for now. It's just an annoyance at this point to me every time I step on it. Anyway, I fixed the leak and am watching it now for any more leakage. Washed it top to bottom today and the wax job is tomorrow.
  • Where is the soft spot located? Middle of trailer or around the door or a window?
  • we had some softness about 2'to 3' in from the door. its a 2010 I believe and in mint condition, been stored in a heated shop most all of its life. so I was surprised and got to checking I could feel it just a little when I walked in i'm 170 but my B/L is 270+ and he could really feel it. I couldn't find any soft wood even taping with a hammer the wood sounded solid. I then had my B/L walk inside wile I laid under the t/t and I could see the floor move and the reason it was doing so. the soft spot was right in the middle of the frame bracing it was nearly 3' each way to the nearest support. the fix was I welded some intermediate bracing in that area and that cured the problem.
    Jay D.
  • dodge guy wrote:
    A soft spot can also be a cracked piece of plywood. My current MH has what feels like a soft spot right next to the floor vent. After inspecting through the vent you can see and feel the crack from inside the duct.

    Also some floors aren't supported well which will result in a soft feeling floor.

    Ditto. We have a little "bounce" near a floor vent in the main entry way...which by the way is a goofy place to put one, IMO.

    Several mfgrs have moved away from this (or never have) and place them vertically in panels, IMO.
  • A soft spot can also be a cracked piece of plywood. My current MH has what feels like a soft spot right next to the floor vent. After inspecting through the vent you can see and feel the crack from inside the duct.

    Also some floors aren't supported well which will result in a soft feeling floor.
  • Sorry to hear about those soft spots, I hate to say it but I'll bet it's not related to water coming from the windows or roof. Chances are it's from the wheel wells, entrance door or outdoor kitchen.

    No matter, your camper will be either replaced or sent back to the factory. They have a new facility just to handle these floor replacements.

    Being out of warranty you have a long uphill battle to get it done under warranty, this is where your dealer has to step up the plate.

    Where exactly are the soft spots?

    Ron W.
  • I am aware of that. I have been going over the sealant of every place that has it, so far it's been sound. I'm looking real closely and going over literally every inch of any sealant. My suspicions are the awning attachment points but that has been nearly impossible to inspect without having to take it loose and just redoing it.
  • Leaks can also happen around the door, the shower pan, windows and also all other penetrations like the power cord, water inlets, heater vent, ect.

    I am currently replacing two sections of floor in a trailer that had a unknown shower leak and a window leak.