Forum Discussion

waloro's avatar
Jun 01, 2013


I have a 2010 Sportsman and am at wits end with squeal coming from a wheel, it almost sounds like a stone rubbing between the brake drum and backing plate. This has been an issue since the trailer was new. The noise does not change whether brakes are applied or not.
When the trailer was new I pulled the brake drum and inspected everything and could not see any problems. I then made the trip back to the dealer and they pulled all wheels and inspected. When I picked up the trailer the noise was gone, but reappeared after towing for about 1/2 hour. This is driving me crazy, any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • When you jack up the camper and spin the wheel by hand, can you hear a faint or strong feeling of it? Is it a full 360 degree of rotation or only partly around?

    If it is rub, it has to leave tracks of some kind. Look for witness marks of a rub or metal shavings, every where on the backing plate, frame, tire, drum.

    Are you sure it is not a tire or rim rub? Again look for wear marks.

    Does it get louder with speed? Or does it get louder after towing so many miles? (heats up and then is louder)

    You say squeal, is this like a hitch pitch sound or more like a growl of grinding?

    If you jack it up and grab the wheel, can you rock the wheel? You are looking for excess bearing play/wobble.

    Can you track it down to a wheel? and are you sure it is that wheel?

    Does that one wheel get hotter then the others if you feel for heat at the hub from a normal stop?

    This sort of falls into 2 areas as the more likely causes,

    Something is rubbing or something is vibrating.

    Hope this helps

  • The pitch does not seem to change, I have not towed it in the dark, and have stopped to feel the wheels for heat and they all seem to be running at an equally cool temperature.
  • Does the pitch of the noise change with speed change? Does it create any sparks at night? It's possibly a wheel bearing that is bad. They are inside the drum brakes and rotate around a spindle. So looking at the brakes does not help as you have to disassemble the bearing from the drum and check the race and spindle for scaring, and the bearings for flat spots after cheaning everything with grease remover. That is best done by a professional, as they know what to look for and have cleaning sinks to get the grease off.