Caleb O wrote:
So essentially, what is the benefit of two-way friction control vs. four-way? Does the four-way really provide a more comfortable ride for double the price? Would you deem the four-way control necessary?
I already answered in my first post in this thread - of course the Equal-i-zer with four point sway control is preferable to the E2 which offers two point sway control. There's no magic here, the EQ costs more than the E2 but it's a case of getting what you pay for ... either way, Progress Mfg which manufactures the Equal-i-zer will get your $$$ anyway since Fastway which manufacturers the E2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Progress. Keep in mind these are
not sway control devices per se but rather weight distribution systems that include sway control as a function of the design as a weight distribution system. Other systems that do require the use of a separate friction sway bar do so because their design as a WD system don't have the inherent ability to control sway.