Well right there is IMO your WHOLE PROBLEM ... one we are not talking about "Scissors Jacks" which your above post is referring to so all your discussion is not germane to our posts and are only confusing the issue. Just so we are absolutely clear here below is a pic of what we are talking about and what the link Lawrosa provided in his first post in this thread clearly showed which now appears you failed to look at. Some call them "screw-jack stands" or "aluminum jackstands/staking jackstands" etc.
Yep...your correct and my bad.
I was thinking aluminum jack stands and said scissor jacks. I'm currently participating in another web thread about scissor jacks/screw jack and bal type stabilizer system for a large LEQ unit.
However as I mentioned in my reply above the aluminum screw jack stands never did become stable at any point regardless of weight.
Your system simply didn't work for my unit.
Your assumption of what I did or didn't read is not correct either.