Forum Discussion

DeezPanthers's avatar
Mar 31, 2016

Tahoe, Yukon EL, suburban or expedition EL

Hi everyone,
So this is only a semi rv question, but you all have always been so knowledgable and helpful I thought I'd come here to ask.
So our TT owning dreams have been put on hold as we got orders to go to NYC and storage for a TT is ridiculously high. Also since we will be living in a a bourogh, we are only keeping 1 car, and decided we need a SUV for now to haul our family and some others. (We will be getting my hubby his big diesel truck when we move in 3 years and a new TT then), but we will have an option to rent a very small TT (about 5000lb dry weight) from a local base and were wondering your thoughts on these different models. Not just as a TV, but your overall impression also. We are looking for a fairly new one with low mileage. If it's a GM we want at least a 2015, the ford could be a 2013 as the oldest. Can you tell me about there motors, any issues that these models may have, and which one you would recommend overall and which one you would recommend for towing. Thank you so much!