Forum Discussion

Fishfish's avatar
May 08, 2013

This one or that one or the other one...

Hey everyone! New member here, looking at TC's. I am really looking at three floorplans. I am really looking hard at the Lance 950S, Palomino 2902 and Palomino 2910. I have enough truck for anyone of them. Seems the Palomino TC's are a little less on the price tag than the Lance which is a factor for me... Most of the features look close. I have been in each one, we just can't decide!! So my question I guess is what kind of experiences has anyone had with these?
  • palomino or lance
    Are you kidding me there is a very big difference between these units
    Palomino finish and workmanship is not even in same ball park.
    Palomino are very cheaply made IMO
    Now I don't own either one however when I was looking for a TC I closely compared both units.
    And the price reflected this up here in Canada also about $10,000 more for Lance give or take.

    I ended up buying a Adventurer 980RDS a very nice unit and a little cheaper than Lance and I will say this not as good as lance also BUTTT way better than palomino.
  • Everyone, thank you for input. I knew getting opinions on here would be worth the weight in gold. I have some additional questions though for opinions. We really like the 2910. I actually was able to track down a phone number of the Palomino factory. I called and spoke with a regional sales rep. Having done research on my own with payloads and vehicle capabilities of my truck I wanted to quiz them on their knowledge. It seems to me the gentleman they put me in touch with was on his game! I told him right up front I didn't want any give it to me straight. I asked why their retail price was much lower than their competition, his explanation, and I will try to quote his response but bear with me..."Palomino is owned by Forest River. Forest River has a large amount of factories all over the US. With having the number of factories, buying power from them from suppliers is matched by no other manufacturer. He gave me an example...Lance may buy 50 stoves/ovens a week, whereas Palomino being under the Forest River umbrella, Forest River buys 1000 oven/stoves a week...well if you think about it with all their plants he said pushing anywhere from 10 to 30 trailers a day I guess it adds up and price discount on the same things everyone else buys but they get better pricing do to the fact that the buy so much material. I thought that was quite interesting. I was told that my wife and I where more than welcome to come by the factory at anytime for a tour to see the TC's in production. Being from SW Michigan, come to find out the factory isn't that far at all from me! So we are going to try and get in there at some point in the near future. No appointment needed he said. he did tell me the TC's are engineered from the ground up. Welded aluminum framework and vacuum laminated with a structural polystyrene core with steel backers where cabinets meet the walls, ceiling.

    From you palomino owners out there, what have you ran into with their product? How is warranty? Has anyone had issues of structural nature? According to them the 2902 has been on the market for 2-3 years now and the 2910 on the market for a year...
  • Palomino is widely regarded as the "low end" brand.

    That said, I really don't know if you're getting anything for the extra $$$ in a Lance. I've seen lots of griping and grousing about Lance quality too.

    Palomino sure isn't perfect, maybe not even great, but mine is serving me well going into its 4th season.
  • There are a few different slide systems out there . If i were plopping down $30k on a tc or any rv with a slide thats going in/out, in/out over and over again, i would learn how to repair it and learn the different systems and how they operate. This is going to be a major component on your tc. I would also be interested how the Mfg. supports the surrounding walls (frame) of the slide. There is no room on top for any kind of header in most brands.
    Im not sure what the Lance uses,but Palomino uses a Lippert system.

    Its a deep slide and must be opened up some to gain access to the bath. A bath with a pocket door rather than a hindged door might be easier to use while on the road making pit stops.

    Some have had problems with this system, i would search info. regarding other system and compare.
  • Look at the materials in the interior and exterior construction. Most of the mechanical devices are from one of several manufacturers, so that will be the same no matter which brand.

    I've owned a Fleetwood (They don't make TC anymore) and Lance. Lance makes a nice unit. I believe Palomino is more entry level and Lance more mid-upper level quality. In all cases, look at the unit you will buy, not a 'sample' unit. And check for good fit, good connections, good seals, tight doors and no leaks. Run all your systems and make sure everything works properly.

    GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING ... do not take verbal for anything. A million posts on this forum where verbal becomes "I didn't say that, or that's not included, it's extra." Test it and check it yourself. Don't just look at it, examine it.

    Lots of good campers out there, no matter who builds it. Most of the problems come later with a lack of maintenance, so once you find a good unit, take care of it and you'll have a lot of fun years in it.

    IF I had to say it, Lance is probably a better quality build, but it's also more expensive. Most times, you get what you pay for ...
  • Hey neighbor. There could be a reason that the Palomino is cheaper than the Lance. Maybe Palomino uses inferior construction methods and materials. Or perhaps it's because Lance is so popular they feel they can charge thousands extra just for the name recognition. Both are probably fine. But depending on how long you intend to keep the camper, resale value may be higher on a Lance. Have you already ruled out all the other brands?
  • Pick the best floorplan for you, and then go work on the price.

    I think both brands are ok based on the reputation here. Do more searches for the brands. You'll probably find other similar campers that you haven't thought about in the threads you find.

    Finally, the MSRP isn't necesarily an indicator of what you can get the TC for. Some brands are more discounted than others due to more competition and reputation.
  • Fishfish wrote:
    I am really looking hard at the Lance 950S, Palomino 2902 and Palomino 2910...Seems the Palomino TC's are a little less on the price tag than the Lance

    Yep...but you should be looking at the value...not the price...
  • My experience is all with Lance. Lance 200, Lance 1030, Lance 1055, and Lance 1050S. Once I figured out what to always look for and expect, it has made it easier to keep the TC in top shape. I am probably NOT your average TC owner.