Using the information that if it worked well back in the day we should consider that as a viable alternative? Newer is always better? Sort of like the original cars were maneuvered without a steering wheel. They were turned by using a “Tiller” type of guidance device. Certainly a steering wheel is better, or “yoke” style wheel in an F1 Race Car. Nope, I am not going back to the way we used to do it.
As for tie down straps, there are many issues when these are contemplated, most of the points have already been stated, like impacts by UV Rays. The other would be the constant cycling of Slack/taunt over and over of the straps. The simple orange straps you buy at Home Depot are not even in that realm of capabilities. Unfortunately that is what is often is used, as we see posted in this forum; “Well I only used them to get the TC home!” These straps are often used due to price, availability and the fact the user does not know any better.
When we see Truck Campers transported with these under strength rated “Orange” tie down straps I ask one simple question of the poster; “Would you tie down a Pickup Truck on a trailer with that type of strap?” The answer is typically a resounding; “Well . . .no.” My point is, is that most TCs are just as heavy as a small or medium side truck, move around and bounce, as well as slide as if on ball bearings/or tires, which in turn puts stress on these tie down points. The often position is that new TC owners/or misinformed users don’t think of their tie down straps on a Truck Camper in these perspectives. Then when you put the exponential weight factors on each strap at each tie down point, you will need to have at least a 2 inch or wider strap for use. So ask yourself, as you are attaching your Truck Camper with that Orange or Green, even Camouflaged tie down strap; “Would I strap my F250 down to a trailer with this tie down strap, with the truck’s transmission in neutral and no parking brake engaged?”
"You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya?"