JimK-NY wrote:
Ski Pro 3 wrote:
Running close to max on the tires is risky. It leaves you almost no room for emergencies such as a pot hole, something falls off the vehicle in front of you, even an emergency evasive maneuver could cause a tire to roll off the rim if it's at it's rated or close to.
Leave yourself some margin between rated and actual loads on your tires. 10% maybe.
Again, LT tires are rated for continuous use at full load. A safety margin is built into the load ratings.
If you want some extra "margin" of safety, why pick 10%? Why not get a significant margin, say 50%? Also where did you come up with the warning on tires rolling off the rims? That is not how tires typically fail nor is there any reason to believe a tire with a higher load rating would somehow do better. In fact the opposite might be true. When I had 19.5 wheels and tires, there was a minimum of I believe 60 psi to be sure the tires stayed on the rims.
No one can argue with a recommendation to increase a safety margin, but there is no basis in fact. This is like recommending oil changes at twice the manufacturer's specs. There is nothing harmful, just no facts to justify the recommendation.
I had a tire "roll off the rim" (break the bead). I was at max for those tires.
Tires that are loaded at/near max will be placing significant stress on the sidewall which certainly could cause this type of failure.
Moved to heavier Load Index and it never happened again.
I can assure you, a tire failure when loaded with a TC is not fun.