The first 6 years we had our HTT, I "got to drive" maybe 10 miles, straight only, no corners. OK. On a family reunion trip from West TN to New Braunfels, TX, some years later, DH did all the driving going, as usual. The morning we were to leave to head home he got up sick. Wonderful. I got most of the pack up done, he was able to hook up and it was my time to learn OJT or stay however many days IF we could even have space. I'd observed a lot over the years and really enjoy driving and do a good job. As we started to leave, DH started giving instructions a mile a minute. I asked him to just let it be, let me get the feel for it and just sit. Got out of the park without crisis, had to stop at Walmart and got in and out of there good, then the interstate. Long story shorter, I love towing, I do a good job, can get in and out of the gas station without taking the pumps with me and DH has now handed that job over to me most of the time. The next day he was fine but wanted me to drive just because he enjoyed looking around at the scenery. Got close to Little Rock and he remembered an RC shop he wanted to stop at.....downtown LR. Wonderful. Can hardly wait to try this! Seems that if you pay attention and just take it calmly, it's pretty much a case of the trailer following the truck! Backing up? Not so much. DH tried to do the left/right thing, but got sorta dyslexic...he backs from the top of the steering wheel, I back from the bottom, so we had a bit of a problem and I finally gave it back to him. Whether we're just going to our favorite nearby CG or longer trips, I do at least half of the driving.
Parking lot is a good starting place...even a school parking lot or a large church lot during the week. Anywhere she can get a feel for it. My guess is that you may be more nervous about it than she is. She not only CAN learn and tow frequently, but she SHOULD in case of illness or such. And it will give you a much needed break.
Re the miles per day....we try not to go over 300 - 350. Happier around 300. We keep our speed between about 58 - 60, rarely 65 and only in a pinch. We figure with stops for food, gas, etc we may average 50 MPH and 6 hours is plenty. We're also in the AARP crowd and we don't rush, leave when we're ready and try to stop by 6:00, minimal set up, a cool one, fix dinner and then repeat. Very enjoyable that way. We never have been ones to get up at the crack of dawn, drive 10 or 12 hours - or more - and be frazzled by the time we arrive.
After we moved from our 23SS HTT to Rocky 2604 I did about half of the driving home from OH with our brand new TT in tow. Had a bit different feel, but not a problem at all, just takes a few minutes of getting used to it. She can do this!