TenOC wrote:
Get a Hensley Arrow or a Pro-Pride. Each cost a few $$. I purchased mine used on eBay. IMO it should be against the law to sell a TT without one of these hitches. ... :B .... :B.
NO MORE TAIL SWAY. I once had a wheel come off my TT while driving 75 MPH and did not know it until a car passed me and wave me down to pull over. The Arrow probably saved my life.
Search the posting to see other comments. I am 85 and not problem hooking up. A few tricks to learn. Most important is do NOT turn you steering wheel the last 5 feet when you back up to the hitch.
Not that they are a bad hitch (they do have some quirks making them a bit of a pain to hook up) but It's not a "few $$" it's a LOT of $$$$.
Really, if you are having sway issues, fix what's wrong and don't put a bandaid on it. We have a run of the mill WDH (Blue Ox), and we've been in the mountains in 40mph cross winds without sway. A few times, the entire rig, truck & trailer, got pushed over 6ft but no sway. Biggest thing is to get a suitable tongue weight. We are a bit north of 13%.
Unless you find a used one cheap, I wouldn't muck about with them. Just get a regular WDH and make sure you set it up properly and get the hitch weight up at least in the 12-15% range (more is better but odds are it will push you over the trucks payload limit).