Forum Discussion

DennisN's avatar
Dec 23, 2014

Trav'ler stove

Is anyone familliar with trav'ler stoves. I have one in a camper that i just ourchased. The knibs for the burners turn freely but the oven knob does not seem to turn. A previous owner cut out the gas line so i can not hook it up yet. Is there a safety on the oven knob to prevent it from turning on? Thanks Dennis.
  • Will put 2 water inlets and put an exterior water heater hooked directly to bottle with $20 hose.
  • Thanks for the advice but the gas system needs replacing heater has hole in heat exchanger water heater dont work. Pulling out stove replacing with dorm fridge and small electric 2 burner stove.
  • The camper is a 1973leer and stove is likely origiinal. Just wanted yo keep it as irugional as possible
  • It's probably 30 years old. Parts? Not likely. Start checking rv salvage yards for something newer to replace it with.