Forum Discussion

work2much's avatar
Jun 26, 2017

Well our slide motor busted again.

So that makes 4 times in our 2006 AF 1150.

I contacted Northwoods this time in Alaska and after waiting for a return call and they seems unconcerned to say the least. I had to call back a couple times to talk to anyone and was told to contact a retail dealer for service
Only one dealer in Alaska all the way across the state but we called them to drop ship for us a new motor.

A stark contrast from when we bought our camper when Ron Nash got on the phone personally to talk to me on a sunday in our campground and help me through the exact same problem of the slide motor failing. The same motor failure then with a broken plastic gear...Over the years I have held Ron and his concern for his company as a reason to buy a Arctic Fox. What company has a owner talk to you in a campground to make sure you get home? A great one.

Fast forward to now.

I can replace these bad slide motors. I just needed one. In Alaska. From Arctic Fox. Northwoods basically told me to pound salt.

So eventually I got a price from a dealer in Alaska that didn't return my calls all day. 850 bucks ups ground.

So we will not pay that for an 12v electric motor.

I manually crank our slide now. And looking for a new TC.

I understand that Ron Nash is no longer at the helm as he has had a stroke. . That high level of service he delivered to me will be his legacy.

My best wishes to Ron.