bgitler wrote:
Thanks Larry that was very helpful. Here's what I'm thinking, please let me know if my math/logic is correct and reasonable:
Ford f 150 towing capacity- 7,700 lbs
Payload- 1,500 lbs
TT- Dry 4,500
TT Tongue Wt (13%)- 559 lbs
Family- 400 lbs (and growing)
Hitch- 100 lbs
Gear- 1,000 lbs
So, my plan would be to not add anything to the vehicle (Larry, I hear what you're saying, however, purchasing a bigger vehicle isn't practical for my every day driving or wallet). Therefore, the 1,000 lbs of gear would go in the trailer bringing it to 5,500 pounds.
CORRECTION- If I add 1,000 lbs to the trailer my Tongue Weight will be 1,215 lbs
Does my math seem correct? It seems like this would work, but I would rather hear any concerns now, than find myself stuck on the side of the road in the mountains.
NO. You don't count total weight you add to the truck, or trailer as tongues weight. Only the actual weight of the tongue is tongue weight. IF you add 1215lb to the 4500lb dry weight of the trailer. The trailer then will weigh 5715lbs. Leaving a tongue weight of 685lbs. Leaving you with 814lb of payload. For your family, and any thing else you might want to put in the truck.
Something like
TT dry 4500lb
gear added to trailer 1215lb
total trailer weight 5715lb
X 13% = tongue weight of. 742lb
TV pay load 1500lb
TV payload minus tongue weight = 757lb
Leaving you with 757lbs of payload for you, your family. and what ever else you may want to carry in the truck. Now, Unless you and your family weigh in over 800lb. You have plenty of weight left over.
that is as easy as it gets. Don't try to make it harder than it has to be.