MN Ben wrote:
inner tube
Great idea! Now to find a way to keep it spread open, or attached on both sides somehow.
sleepy wrote:
I made the passage one time in each direction with a little effort... never even considered doing it again. It is much faster to just open the door and walk to the cab of the truck or vicea versea
I think some people see it as a route to the truck if the boogie man is outside the camper.
If I should ever feel that uncomfortable I wouldn't want to be laying prone... crawling through that passage... that would be a vulernable position
I think a better plan is to just stand up the the escape hatch in the roof and look way down on your visiters... with a double barrel shotgun in hand but out of sight doesn't hurt either.
I like your thinking. I'm mainly considering it to let my four-year old son dive in to retrieve stuff for us, and to also perhaps sleep him on the rear bench of the truck as well to free up camper space. He is all too excited about the concept of going back and forth through the window that I've gotta do something. Luckily both windows line up nicely... but the truck glass doesn't slide! A replacement is on my list this year.
But yeah, I figure with tinted windows, locked doors, keys in my pocket, Glock at my side, it should be a pretty secure solution. I'd also go the roof hatch route for a defensive position or check of the outdoors. Maybe only a grizzly is tall enough to put paws up there. I've also got a ladder bracket to hang/mount/strap stuff to, so that somewhat thwarts that avenue.