Forum Discussion

thehippie's avatar
Jul 27, 2018


I drive 2015 Ram 2500 CTD. When the egnine is hot, like towing a trailer or towing uphill, i hear that whining sound. Is that the turbo?

When the engine is cold like it i just started to drive in the morning, there's no whining sound.
  • The fan on the current RAM freewheels until it's needed and yes it sounds like a whine.
  • Engine fan. Sounds like a jet engine....well not really, but it's loud. Listen to semis when the take off at red lights when it's hot and you'll hear them as well. Fans do come on to some degree while underway on flatland if it's warm/hot w/ A/C on and towing.....just not as much unless the need for it calls to do so. If you pop the hood w/ eng running, you'll see the fan spinning around, but it's really not doing anything. Idea behind it not actually running full time is to save energy/fuel and HP. Today's turbos on pick-ups are very quiet IMO. Hear 'em more on semis.

    Not touching the X-wife one, but that is funny.
  • Its probably the fan clutch. I have a 2017 cummins now but in my 2003 cummins I had my fan clutch went out and when I got a new one the first time i pulled my trailer up a grade it kicked on and I could hear it. I dont think they run when not pulling.
  • troubledwaters wrote:
    It's probably the fan. Does it have an electric fan?
    like a secondary fan?