Jun-07-2022 04:23 PM
Jun-14-2022 10:31 AM
Jun-14-2022 08:49 AM
PA12DRVR wrote:
"Our computers would have recorded, sounded an alarm at each overload attempt and refused to move after a preset number of trys. Some required a keyed reset after reaching those numbers of trys...this is why said pretty soon, OEMs will control more to all ratings like they now do with ICE rev limiters"
Not quite the same but as a young buck installing piping on a natural-gas-fired-steam boiler-steam turbine power generating plant, I was in the plant when a series of out of spec issues (low steam flow on one turbine, excess on another, failed gas valve delivering full fuel to a boiler running at 40% capacity, etc) resulted in an automatic system "shutdown"....the most dramatic effects of which were the steam blowdown (wherein a 10" sch. 80 steel line wiggled like an RV hose between supports spaced circa 80' apart) and the max capacity gas flare. Lots of shiny lights and interesting sounds.
An out-of-spec truck trailer combo won't result in the same sort of fireworks, but at the end of the day, one has to decide whether they will stay in spec or not. Hopefully if they go out of spec, there is some analysis behind that decision.
Jun-14-2022 08:27 AM
Jun-14-2022 07:23 AM
mkirsch wrote:Grit dog wrote:
The "difference" is some people posses a greater knowledge and the ability to use it to make educated decisions.
Don't sugar coat it. What you mean is, some people ignored the weight ratings, and nothing bad happened, so are now self-proclaimed "experts" on pickup truck design.
Jun-14-2022 07:17 AM
cptqueeg wrote:
IPA's are so 2018. The hipsters have moved on! (NTIGAF)
Jun-14-2022 06:29 AM
mkirsch wrote:Grit dog wrote:
The "difference" is some people posses a greater knowledge and the ability to use it to make educated decisions.
Don't sugar coat it. What you mean is, some people ignored the weight ratings, and nothing bad happened, so are now self-proclaimed "experts" on pickup truck design.
Jun-14-2022 06:10 AM
Grit dog wrote:
The "difference" is some people posses a greater knowledge and the ability to use it to make educated decisions.
Jun-14-2022 05:53 AM
Lantley wrote:
And this is where it all goes hay wire. We don't want to accept the ratings.
We want to challenge them and re-rate the ratings.
We want to decide which are valid and which are not.
Which ratings apply to our scenario and which can be ignored.
At some point it boils down to either you abide by them or you don't.
I undersrtand some are tax,ratings and registration ratings but in the end they all serve a purpose.
I don't believe your combo is going to explode if you exceed a rating.
However I firmly believe a combo that is within all of its ratings will ultimately be safer and out perform a combo that is within some of its ratings.
In the end 1500,2500,3500 SRW,3500 dually, MDT,HDT basically step up in performance ratings and capabilty.
Stick with all the parameters and your combo will be fine. Or you can Pick and choose the ones you like and pretend there is no ratings system.
Jun-13-2022 07:01 PM
ford truck guy wrote:
Tire ratings / axle ratings are just like Over Head Crane ratings..
They are rated to a certain rating with a safety factor on top of that.. They POST the rate based on every day usage.. Most people will see that they can carry XXX amount of weight and go full Hog till they cant..
I can assure you, If they rated our overhead cranes to 15 ton instead of 10 ton, we would be lifting 15T every day, all day... in a nut shell - There is a safety factor built into EVERYTHING with a MAX capacity.. just how much = ??
Jun-13-2022 04:09 PM
Grit dog wrote:ford truck guy wrote:
8 pages of normal RV.Net truck capability arguments and the original OP ( rarin'2go ) was a 1 and done poster on THIS thread.....
I will say that is is/was interesting reading all the response.. what did I learn??
Grit know a TON about trucks and thier capibilities, as do a lot of others..
and a Toyota can tow a space shuttle !
Add Grit LIKES IPA to your list of takeaways! Not the trying to be cool with your hipster buds, stifle the bitter beer face like. I just like 'em!
High octane beer! What's not to like??
Jun-13-2022 03:07 PM
Jun-13-2022 02:19 PM
Jun-13-2022 02:07 PM
Jun-13-2022 01:42 PM
Jun-13-2022 01:37 PM
BenK wrote:
Exactly and is more of OPs waiting for what they want to hear...
Selective adherence to ratings...even the most anti-rating advisors revere some ratings