Forum Discussion
In an RV in the PNW used only 6 times in 3 years the source of the moisture is the high humidity typical of the PNW. The unit likely suffers from the lack of being opened up regularly to dry out - hence, it molds.
I’d say this is 99% likely the case.
Ifnit sat outside uncovered for even 1 winter on the wet side of the mtns I could easily see this happening.
I have an enclosed trailer that sits outdoors 24/7/365 uncovered and from about Oct to April I keep a box fan running in it continuously at a minimum as well as a milk house heater for a few days after we go snowmobiling until the sleds and floor all dry out 100%.
If I don’t, the condensation is immediate and mold like this begins popping up quickly.
Just bleach wipe everything down that’s moldy, and keep ventilation in it during the wet season.