All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsTorque specsAnyone know the torque specs for the rotor to hub bolts (front axle)? Cant find this info anywhere and was hoping someone here knew. Got the new rotors on now but I don't want to over tighten these. 2006 F53 chassis. Thanks.Re: Towing a Rubicon X polar76 wrote: Looking at buying a new Rubicon X. Anyone towing one yet? Bumper is a little different . we tow our '11 wrangler behind our A class, 30k miles in 3 years and love it. I purchased an aftermarket bumper (rugged ridge XHD) and picked up a cheap A frame tow bar about a $100 bucks, best thing is no base plate and a natural look when not hooked up. we use a surge brake but im sure any brake would work. PM me if youd like a couple pics. Cheers!Re: '08 Alfa See Ya lucky13 wrote: I am with the previous, there are problems with all coaches, I have a 2005 see ya gold and love it, yes there has been some issues, but nothing that has been overcoming , good value, , and yes we would buy another, had a Monaco before and traded it for the see ya, great ride good benefits, thank you for your post. what issues have you had? to go from a Monaco to an alfa, and your happy with the change, says a lot.Re: '08 Alfa See Ya RedG wrote: afrescop wrote: I know nothing first hand about the Alphas. My question would be why is the resale value so low compared to other brands of the same model year? I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure that out.... As for the Alfa owner/lovers, if my little girl was the ugliest kid in the room, I'd still think she was pretty......... with all do respect but I think this is probably the worst response to a post I've ever read. first off, if "your little girl was the ugliest kid in the room" as a parent you should believe she was pretty, if as a parent you DIDNT tell her she was the prettiest, that would make you the WORST parent on the planet. a young girl NEEDS as much confidence as possible to make it to adulthood. an RV on the other hand doesn't have any feelings or fears of rejection. as for your analogy, I currently own a damon daybreak. I would not recommend this unit to my worst enemy. I own it outrite and HATE it. it is ugly and has given me 7 years of headache. I've loved every trip my family and I have been in it just don't like the unit. I still believe my daughter is pretty, get what I mean? No offense.Re: '08 Alfa See Ya 4r45th wrote: What is with this site, seems like they always want to bad mouth the Alfa, there is no more wrong things with Alfa then any other motorhomes, they all have there problems, to include the high priced ones. Seems like when someone asked a question on Alfas, a few people hop right up and condemn them, and I am sure they have not owned one to compare it! It is usually someone who has the typical statement like my brothers neighbor who new someones sister that lived in the other town next to a salesman, who said they were no good. Come on lets be more honest here. Alfa is a far better motor home for the value than lots of other brands, it is a diesel pusher on a freightliner chassis with the excellent newel suspension, that handles like a dream, equipped very nicely, and they do not have DELAM PROBLEMS, some do have problems with chipping in the fiberglass which is mainly cosmetic, and their are other brands with this problem also, it was the company who built the fiberglass panels. I know this because I have owned one since 2005, and have put over 75,000 miles on it, and it has been an excellent coach. Would I buy another one, you bet I would. I know you would not want people bashing your coaches if they have never owned one, so please guys lighten up, life is to short. thank you for your post and insight. this does help. my biggest concern is the paint pock problems some owners have had. this unit is heads and tails over what we have now. we are planning a second and more detailed walk through next week. looking forward to it.Re: '08 Alfa See Ya DSDP Don wrote: It's tough to criticize any RV because you always hurt someone's feelings. I'm sorry, but I'm going to hurt them again. Typically, it's not fair to criticize another product until you've own one as mentioned, but I would never have made the mistake of owning one. Even as novice shoppers, we knew they were junk. They were so cheaply made. The only reason they sold the numbers they did was because people were enthralled with some of the gadgets, like Tupperware already in the too tall cabinets. The satellite dome countersunk into the bedroom roof so you banged your head when you sat up. Pull on the fenders and see how much they flex. Better yet, drive that too tall monster in the wind. They went out of business long before the market crash for good reason. The price the dealer is asking is about twice what it's worth! your response makes no sense. you say its not fair to criticize something you've never owned yet here you are??? the unit we're considering has no pre placed "tuppaware" or a "countersunk satellite dome". as far as wind, the alfa is twice the weight of my current unit so im pretty sure it would be better in crosswind then what I have now. as they are both large rectangular boxes on wheels, wind will have an effect. i'm sure its no different then any other RV in the wind, lol. as far as cheaply made? I wouldn't wish a damon product on my worst enemy yet its the number one seller here in Canada. even a simple walkthrough shows me the alfa is built ten times better then my current damon. thanks for your post none the lessRe: '08 Alfa See Ya RedG wrote: I wouldn't pay $139k for a brand new Alfa. Sometimes you fall in love and don't realize your mistake until it's too late. I wouldn't drive a "Malibu" even if I were paid to. but i'm sure your love for it isn't a "mistake". I wasn't asking for your opinion on the brand based on your preference, i'm looking for first hand insight and experience. but thanks for trying. no offence as im sure u never meant any.Re: '08 Alfa See Ya Mr.Mark wrote: Hoteltur, one place I like to check for comparison prices is in Houston, TX, as they show 'sold' prices of all coaches. They are showing 2003-2006 Alpha coaches that have sold for $42,000-$69,000. The price you are showing does seem a little high to me for a Alpha See Ya product. I've heard many Canadian's say that the choices in Canada are not like the USA which surely could affect prices (supply and demand). I certainly don't want to sway you if your wife is in love with the floor plan of the Alpha, but for about the same money, you can find a coach company that IS in business for support and priority parts. I have seen many Alpha owners add additional rear lights as the originals are too low and can be blocked by the tow vehicle. Good luck on your search, MM. I'm not concerned about the maker being in bus or not, its all 3rd party anyway. thanks for the link to ppl, seems a great place to help research. cheers!Re: '08 Alfa See Yathank you to most of you for your replies. I do appreciate them. it helps when researching such a major purchase.'08 Alfa See YaWe've been looking to upgrade our current RV to class a DP for about a year now. we've been through hundreds of RV's at various shows including the Hershey show. We recently walked through this Alfa and my wife fell in love with the floor plan right away and I love many of the features of it as well. I understand the history and fallout of Alfa, and I know that everything from the chassis to the microwave is third party. so being an orphan doesn't bother us. My questions are for those who have exp with late model alfa's. at what age did the delam or paint pock problems arise? is there a safe age that these problems may not occur? it doesn't seem to effect all their units. this one is 6 years old with no signs of it, could it be in the clear? the fiberglass is really my biggest concern. any other things we should look for? the asking price seems a bit high to me but Nada guides does not have info on the '08's, just '07 and earlier. the dealer here in Ontario Canada is asking $139K b4 our trade. they don't have the unit listed on their website yet so I cant provide a link yet. the model is 1017 - SY40LSXL thank you for your time and input.