All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsHydraulic jack stuck downI got one jack that is stuck down. I had the issue once before and was able to prY up using shovel. Now my son has it Nd put it down and says that won't work. Any ideas? How tough are they to take off and get rebuilt? And how expensive is that to do. Not looking to spend much more on this RV...ready to get rid of soon I hope!Re: New Battery boilingAnother shot of battery hook up...ground is unhooked.Re: New Battery boilingOne picture of my battery hooked upRe: New Battery boiling[img] [/img]Re: New Battery boilingMine was sounded like boiling and had a whistle sound...even started smoking. I looked at them again this morning and I still think.I have it hooked up correctly. I took pictures, but can't figure out how to upload them.Re: New Battery boilingI did have the motor home hooked up to regular outlet at my home for lights in the rv. But did not have it cranked.Re: New Battery boilingUnfourtnaley no I did not take a picture. I did of the two deep cycle, but not of the cranking battery. But I don't think I got it wrong. Since there were only two to one post and they are connected together and one to the other post. I'll get a picture tomorrow.New Battery boilingI purchased all new batteries for my coach and chassis. I hooked them up and went to test the slide. The slide worked as it should but my son was standing by the battery compartment, which is still open and said the chassis battery seemed like it was boiling. It was and seemed to be getting worse by the second. I quickly unhooked the ground and it stopped. What caused this? I am 99.9 percent positive it is hooked up correctly.Re: Microwave nor working or getting powerI did try the GFI in the bathroom, was hoping that was the issue, but was notMicrowave nor working or getting powerGetting ready to go out tomorrow and plugged in to get my refrig cool. I always look at the microwave to confirm I have power, but it was not lit up. I checked my breakers, fuses inside and the test on the outlet plug. My microwave is built in, so not a matter of checking a plug. Any ideas, not sure where power comes from to test. I did check plugs near by. Was working fine last time out. I have a 99 Thor Pinnacle Thanks for help!