All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsPlastic Liner inside Grey Holding Tank??We have a 2006, 36', Class A Coachmen Aurora MH. This week our grey tank drain became plugged and what I was able to remove from the drain was a rather large clump of white, slimy plastic (like a sheet of thin plastic, at least a very large handful). I used a drain snake to help get the clump moving further down the drain pipe and finally the water pressure above it helped push it out. I looked and looked on the internet to see if anyone else had such a problem (no luck) and if these grey tanks ever have a liner put inside them (doesn't make any sense to me, just waste water). We had this coach for 10 yrs. and never had any issues with either of the holding tanks. I'm concerned there could be more of this junk in the tank just waiting to plug the drain again. Any ideas what this may have been? Manufacturer issue??? Thanks for any help. We had not opened the black tank valve yet. We keep it closed until it is either getting full or we are ready to hit the road, then flush with water from grey tank. Not saying both grey and black vales haven't been open at the same time in the past but not on this trip. Thanks for your replies.Re: REPLACEMENT SCREEN DOOR SLIDEI received my screen door slide today from Amazon and it is exactly the same size and color as the cracked one in our MH. The slide is made by Dexter and the part number on the tag is D6H 440136, Screen Door Slide - Smoke. Thanks for everyone's reply and hopefully if someone needs the same type of slide they will have this information.Re: REPLACEMENT SCREEN DOOR SLIDEI believe we have found a screen door slide with the necessary depth. The slide is made by Dexter and is model #440136. Ordered one of these from Amazon, but several other vendors have this product also. Slide is supposed to arrive on Saturday and I will follow up to let everyone know if it in fact fits our opening.Re: REPLACEMENT SCREEN DOOR SLIDELooked at both PPL and Tweety's, but they only seem to have the 1" depth slides. They have Valterra and Camco, but depth is not what I need. Thanks for your reply.REPLACEMENT SCREEN DOOR SLIDEI am trying to find a replacement screen door slide for our MH. I need one that is 11-11/16" high x 11-7/8" wide x 1-3/4" deep. I ordered one from Valterra not thinking about the depth and it is only 1" deep. There is a circle with the wording Phillips Ind on our existing slide, but when I search Phillips not much comes up. I also looked at Camco products and they aren't deep enough either. Hopefully someone out in RV Land knows where I may be able to find a replacement screen door slide that has the 1-3/4" depth I need. Thanks for any help you can provide.REMOVING BROWN SPOTS FROM RV ROOF VENTSAfter a long, hard summer in the heat and humidity it is time to give the rubber roof and everything else on the roof of our RV a good cleaning. First I give the rubber roof a good cleaning with Korkay (Awning and Black Streak Remover). I typically use the product straight from a spray bottle, some Spic-N-Span in a bucket of water and a used Scotch Brite. This method has worked well for me and I know there are at least a hundred other methods used to get the same results. Then I tackle the vent tube caps and the refrigerator vent, which typically has brown spots all other them. Tried the Korkay and Scotch Brite but this only minimized them. Finally used a somewhat course steel wood pad and Meguiar's Cleaner/Wax. Takes them right off and if I give them a good coating, I don't see as many spots the next year and if there are, they come off with minimal elbow grease.What is a Good Wireless Towed Lighting System??This topic has been moved to another forum. You can read it here: 29024578What is a Good Wireless Towed Lighting System??Recently purchased a 2010 Ford Edge to tow behind our MH. Looking at the Tow Mate Lime Light Wireless Tow Light Bar and the Pilot Wireless Tow Lights. Both are LED, but from the Reviews, it sounds like the Pilot light are not reliable. Are there any other Wireless Units out there I should consider over these two? Please only send me info on reasonably priced units ($200.00 or so). Some of these can go well over $500.00 and I have no interest in these. Thanks for any experience you have with wireless lighting systems. LarryRe: Removing Heavy Oxidation on White Areas of RVI just finished working on the oxidized, white non-painted areas of our 36' Coachmen MH using the 3M Restorer and Wax. Worked VERY well for me. Removed all of the oxidation and left a very slick, shiny surface. I did purchase 2 Compounding Pads from AB's Gloves and Adhesives in Sturgis, MI to apply the product. You can do it by hand, but Wow, a lot of work. They have several different wool pads and I purchased the 7-1/2" hook and loop ones with 1-1/2" length on the loops. Pads were $12.50 ea. with free shipping. Hopes this helps with your decision on which way to proceed. Larry2006 COACHMEN CLASS A KITCHEN SLIDE OUT QUESTIONWe have a 2006 Coachmen 36' Class A MH and I recently had to fix the trim around the kitchen drawers and stove on that slide out. The trim came loose from the under side of the counter top and also along the bottom along with it dropping down about 1-1/2". My question is regarding the movement of this slide out. When we extend the slide out, the bottom moves out first, followed by the top (cabinets are tilted in at this point). After the slide out reaches approx. 3/4ths of its travel, the cabinets tilt out at the top and become vertically level (or close to level). When we move the slide in, it moves evenly for a small distance, then the top tilts inward until the top of the outside area (seal area at top of slide out) comes in contact with the coach. After contact is made with the outside of the coach, the bottom of the cabinet area moves inward and the slide out is again level (closed). I went outside and tightened the bolts that hold the side wall to the slide out rack gear (they were loose) and this somewhat lessened the tilting of the cabinets, but they still tilt. When I open the slide out approx. one foot, I can push on the top area of the cabinets and rock them back and forth about 4-5". I know this is a lot of info, but I'm trying to paint a good picture of my issue. If anyone else has a similar 2006 Coachmen, does their kitchen slide out act the same? My concern is something underneath the bottom of the cabinets has come loose and is no longer supporting them when you open and close this slide. Thanks for any help and advice. Gary, Sounds like this is how the kitchen slide out was designed. When the slide out is all the way out, the inside outer edges of the slide come in contact with the walls so there is no movement. Conversely when the slide is all the way in, the outer wall is against the outside wall of the MH. Thanks for your response.