All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsDVD/Home Theater issuesI have a 2012 Tiffin Red, and my DVD player started acting up a few months ago. It seemed like it would only play perfect or new DVD's. If we tried a Redbox movie that wasn't perfect, we only got sound and a blue screen. No picture. Because I wanted something that would plug right into the connections in my AV cabinet, I bought the exact same Panasonic model on ebay and hooked it up. For some crazy reason, when I hit the Open/close button on the player, the door will not open unless I unhook the HDMI cord. This is the craziest thing I have seen in awhile. If I unhook the HDMI cord, the door will slide open, and when I put the DVD in it, it closes and begins to play. To get the picture, I have to plug the HDMI cord back in. But when I stop the movie, the door won't open again while the HDMI cord is connected. But as soon as I unhook it from the back of the player, the door will open again. I realize that the HDMI cord should just be giving me the video, but it is somehow affecting the DVD door. Anyone have an idea? Thanks BillRe: Total loss of picture on Satellite???After turning the TV off for an hour, and called Dish. As I was on hold, I turned the TV back on, and had a picture again. So this mystery continues.Total loss of picture on Satellite???I have a 2012 Tiffin Open Road Pusher, with Dish hooked up to a permanent satellite on a pole during the summer. I was watching TV last night when the picture went totally blank as I was switching a light on over the couch. When I turn the sat receiver off and on, nothing comes on the screen. I checked all the connections, but I don't think that is the issue, as I would normally be able to get a setup or menu screen if it was just a loose connection. I tried a friends receiver, but nothing. I can switch over to antenna and I have a picture with that. Just nothing on satellite. Could I have a loose connection at the distribution box where all the cables come together before the final cable goes to the TV's?? I don't even know where that is on this coach. One of my earlier Tiffin's had that mounted on a frame rail underneath the coach. Anyone know where that might be on this coach, and would that make sense? I didn't bother to call Dish, since I don't even get a setup or menu screen.Re: Battery Equalizing?The batteries are Interstate lead acid, the inverter is a Magum Energy with a ME-RC remote, and the fridge is a residential. I have a 12v disconnect by the door, and I have no problem turning off the fridge by flipping the circuit breaker, but I'd rather not do without the AC in this heat. When I am on shore power, isn't the AC running off that? ThanksBattery Equalizing?I have a 2013 Tiffin Phaeton with 6 coach batteries, that need to be equalized. The process is fairly simple with the control panel that the coach has. I will be on shore power when I do this. I understand that I need to disconnect the 12v power to the fridge and AC to prevent damage. Will they be able to run on the 120 shore power during the process. It's fairly hot right now, so not sure I can turn off the AC for 4 hours. I guess I could cool the coach down and do this closer to dark. Thanks for any help.Walmart Parking coming to an end??I have using the app that shows what Walmarts allow parking for a while now. Recently I posted that a Walmart in Mobile had changed from allowing RV's to not allowing. I got a response back from the guy that runs the app. He said that more and more managers are changing their stores to not allowing RV's. This was disappointing to me, as my wife and I travel for work in the RV and have to use Walmarts a lot during the week because most campground offices close before we get in, and don't open by the time we leave in the morning. I think that we should all write nice letters to Walmart's corporate office and thank them for allowing us to park there. We should ask them to encourage their managers to allow RV parking and point out how much we spend there on groceries and fuel. If we are forced to use campgrounds every night, we will obviously be buying our food and fuel at the closest places to the campground. It will clearly cause some drop in their business. We should point out that we don't really see what harm the RV's are causing, as we usually park in un-used parking places and are very neat. The letters would not be threatening, but mention how much we appreciate them allowing us to park there up until now. Clearly, they didn't have to allow us all this time. I think if they get enough emails/letters, they may change their minds. ThanksRe: Looking to buy, what websites to search kjburns wrote: If you're thinking of a specific year, make and model you can also do a generic search for it to find multiple sites. We use our coach for work, and flip every three years. We bought it from the original owner who only had it 6 months and sold it. She didn't feel comfortable driving it, so she went back to a Class C. We got a great deal on it and ran it from 7k miles to 36K miles. We usually flip before they hit 40k. I am now looking for another low mileage 2008 to 2012 that we can do the same with.Looking to buy, what websites to searchI just sold my 2010 Phaeton, and am looking to purchase another coach. I have been scanning many websites, and am just wondering if I am missing any other good ones. I have been watching Ebay, RVtrader, Rvonline, ClassyRV, RVregistry and Tiffin's classifieds. If you know of any other big ones that I should be watching, can you let me know. Thanks BillRe: Narrowed down to 2 choices........maybe? Devonm2012 wrote: mike brez wrote: blucrabbie wrote: Devonm2012 wrote: Les Balty wrote: Tiffin. Alabama is closer to you than (Oregon?) Tiffin is the original family-owned company. Fleetwood is a new creation through acquisition. Both good products but when I say Bob Tiffin; need I say more? Anyone who has dealt with this fine gentleman will likely agree. We looked at Tiffin a few years ago. They seemed ok (can't say much more than that since we have never owned one so was only looking "on the surface") and I hear they stand behind their product. However, just talked to someone day before yesterday that stated the factory had 150 coaches waiting for service,[COLOR=] they do NOT make appointments and you [COLOR=]park on dirt, with the techs in and out and tracking all that dirt inside. I know I could take the coach elsewhere, and would have to because that would never work for me. A woman I talked to said their Zypher is gross when they are done, due to all the dirt inside, every time they are there. Just what I hear. You do see a zillion of their coaches on the road. #1- They DO make appointments if your coach is 2 years old or newer. #2- The techs DO NOT track in and out while you are parked at your site. The inside of the building has concrete flooring and if requested the techs will wear shoe covers. These statements are so not true. And yes, I meant some of these words to be in caps because I can't believe that someone would actually say this. I really could care less but I'm curious what happens when your coach is over this two years or newer policy? Well, like I said, I don't own a Tiffin so not speaking from experience. Also, this is their third Tiffin and it is not two years old. Her husband also informed me that water "floods" near the front in a hard, driving rain. This is on their current Zephyr. I am a Newmar owner and plan to stick with Newmar, so does not matter to me one way or the other. I do see tons of Tiffin on the road and when someone today said they were considering one I told them it was a good choice. I just have horrible allergies and could never handle the dirt, if that were to be the case. I've had 3 Tiffins and 3 Newmars, and I would give a slight edge to Tiffin in quality and customer service. Even though my 2010 Phaeton is out of warranty, I have called the factory many times and they walked me through fixing little things myself. I can't imagine ruling out a brand as good as Tiffin because one person had a leak in theirs. A friend of mine had to have all the storage compartment doors repainted on his one year old Grand Star. After having 7 coaches, I can say one thing for sure, a Tiffin is much easier to resell than a Newmar. We liked all of our Newmars, but they took much longer to resell at the end than a Tiffin.