Wintering on Vancouver Island B.C. Hydro is expensive here . Would I save any money ove a month , by turning my electric 12 gal hot water off in the evening and back on in the morning ? Or would it cost just as much to reheat in the morning ? ...
I need to replace the chassis fuse panel on my '98 Safari , 30ft diesel pusher with Magnum chassis . Does anyone know where I can locate this part ?? The number on the back is 2503150 and IDA ( those letters may not be correct as they are hard...
'98 safari Sahara Cat diesel 3126 ,,,,Magnum chassis .Won't start ,,technician thinks it's the module in the battery bay ?? Has anyone had this Problem and where do I get a module for my old coach ? Thanks to all
Last time I filled my 1998 Safari Sahara ,,my fuel gauge went way past the full mark and is stuck there . how to fix ? New gauge, wiring ,,sending unit . Where do I start ? Does fuel tank have to be empty to change sending unit ?
I think the pump is located up under the plumbing bay , I also think I may have froze mine as it was new last year and now has very little pressure . Is it something I can tackle to change it out with another new one ,,,apparently it's quite a bear...
Wolfe10 : The chassis fuse panel is located in the battery bay on my '98 Safari D.P. and controls the starter , electronic fuel pump and who knows what else . It contains some blade fuses ,,relays and may also have diodes , etc., buried in the gel ...
The engine lights are very dim ( I think something is draining my new batteries ) and the Allison push button pad just shows a squiggly line on it ,,,not P for park .Also when turning on the key ,,the engine intake air heater doesn't light up . Initi...
I had similar problem with my '98 Safari diesel pusher ,two weeks ago .New starting batteries ,,engine would crank but not fire . So called a service man to storage yard ,,he checked wiring and fuse voltage,,,,,no voltage at VIPR and ECM. Had unit to...
Thanks gatorcq I really appreciate a response that's addressing my problem and not just someone tossing me some of their poor humor . Times like this ,when your rig won't start , the last thing you need is humor of any kind . Now I have to f...
Hey Hershey I did say the engine turned over fine after the new batteries went in . Pay more attention to the question . Some people always have an opinion . Seahunter .