All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: 2002 Holiday Rambler 2nd rear black tankOk,found out what it is. There are two black tanks, one valve. The smaller tank in the bathroom has a toggle switch that is labeled vacuam pump. On rv repair guy, hubby and I toggled it and it did make a very loud noise, but, did evacuate the fluid in the tank. But, we all thought, that was for emergency only, when the regular flush handle didnt work. Well, the rv dealer we bought from found the owners manuals and schematics , we finally found out that the vacuam pump has to be on at all times. The noise we heard does turn off after about 20 seconds.(we never left it on that long) The pump pumps out the waste from the smaller tank to the larger tank. (((Shaking my head, so much to learn))) Thanks for your help all.Re: 2002 Holiday Rambler 2nd rear black tankEndeavor is a 2002, yes, two toilets. We did find something online, last night that noted the red light meant the tank is full, but, is it? I will have to look for the sensors. There are two waste dump valves,only, for black and grey. Black and grey tanks have been dumped. Hubby and I found the smaller black tank, and yes, it is logical that it would have a separate dump valve, but, we could not find it. The place where we bought the motor home from, actually sent their mechanic to our house to check out what was going on. (We flooded during Harvey, we are in a hotel still, trying to get into the motor home, once everything is working. Motor home is in front of house, until house is put back together. Can't move in there, until we get the lovely odor figured out) He couldn't find a separate dump valve either, nor could he get the red light to go off. Now, he is talking about removing the smaller see what is going on.2002 Holiday Rambler 2nd rear black tankHello all, We have a new to us, 2002 Holiday Rambler and it has a 2nd rear black tank. There is an odor coming out of the toilet, which is in the bedroom area. There is a blinking red light on the wall and it does not flush. How does the secondary tank feed into the primary black tank? Is there a pump? (we have not seen or heard one) or is it gravity? Thanks.2002 Endeavor bad IIOTA ITS -50R replacementHello, We have a 2002 Endeavor that has a bad IOTA ITS-50R replacement transfer switch. The company is out of business that made them. Before we start trying different ones on-line, where the vendor says, "no problem" it will fit and we try and install and it doesnt fit. Does anyone have any suggestions? ThanksRe: 2002 HR EndeavorThanks all2002 HR EndeavorNewbie question. We got flooded during Harvey and we are going to park the new to us, motor home in our driveway, while we work on the house. It is being detailed now. We are getting ready to install 50 amp service. We need to know, how long are the typical 50 amp cords that come with the 2002 Endeavor? ThanksRe: Looking for 2006-2008 1.5 bath with king bedThank you all. If you can think of anything else, please let me know.Re: Looking for 2006-2008 1.5 bath with king bedPPL is a great consignment lot, went there twice in the past two weeks. We are trying to be real careful, a lot of flooded rigs, right now. ThanksRe: Looking for 2006-2008 1.5 bath with king bedI flooded in Harvey. We were going to wait to purchase a coach, when we retired, but, sometimes, things are beyond our control We will use the coach for the next few months in our driveway, while fixing up the house with some side trips on a weekend here and there. Then, when ready for retirement, it will already be ready to go. We will go where the warm weather is.Looking for 2006-2008 1.5 bath with king bedHi, We are looking for an older model 2006-2008 1.5 bath with king bed. Prefer vented W/D Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks much.
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