All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Life Member benefits cut?That’s terrible news. Since the FMCA got cash desperate and opted to include memberships for people that had non-motorized RVs, it’s magazine has decreased value also. Pages in it dedicated to trailer articles and ads are of no interest to me, and take space away from motorcoach topics that might otherwise have been presented. Now it would appear Good Sam and Lemonis are following suit. Not to mention reneging on their deal to provide Life Members with quarterly issues of magazines representative of and specific to our RV. And we’re left now with no popular periodical publication dedicated to motor coaches, unless there’s some comparably obscure one(s) out there that I’ve not heard about.Life Member benefits cut?We’ve been Life Members since the costly option was first offered decades ago. I see the old “Highways” magazine, that used to be independent and then part of Motorhome, is now just a Camping World ad mailing. But I also haven’t received a Motorhome issue for awhile. As Life Members, we were getting 4 issues annually. Has my mailman simply misdirected my issues, or has the Club, now vastly changed from its origins, opted to discontinue that and perhaps other promised Life Member benefits?Re: Breakdown InformationPastorm, you need to post this as a brand new thread under Class A Motorhomes. This one is for relating specific experiences with your motorhome. Read it’s first post(s) from 2003 that explain that purpose. Otherwise. Admin.: please move post to appropriate category.Re: Breakdown Informationbrief response to udidwht: One thing many coach owners neglect is chassis lube. But even those that are religious about scheduled maintenance are unfamiliar with the correct lubrication of driveshafts, as unfortunately are some service facilities.Re: Breakdown InformationThanks Badeye, for responding and clearing this up, and for authoring the thread in the first place.Re: Breakdown InformationBadeye started it over a dozen years ago with the idea of compiling the reported information into some sort of useful organized reference. The compilation was theorized reasonable after 100-150 posts, but there are now over 700. Badeye still exists as a member, but none of his 2700+ posts are discoverable, at least not in my searches. The original thread was made into a Sticky, but without Badeye's or anyone else's wherewithal to attempt the compilation or design its format and how it might fit into this venue, I think the administrators are content to simply let the thread ride as is. That's fine, but my take was that the original intent was to formulate a useful reference material, organized and searchable such that all could benefit from it. I think one of the problems was that many posters didn't follow the format Badeye laid out for their reports. It no doubt was designed to assist him whenever the time came to analyze the reports and organize them. Despite several of us, and the administrators, over the years trying to get people to follow the guidelines, they more often than not just didn't take the time to do so. This made Badeye's intended task much more difficult. At 100-150 posts, that might have been a daunting enough task for Badeye or anyone else; but at 700+ it may now be beyond any potential volunteer's constitution.Full AccessDoes anyone have an idea where Bob and George got the coat rack they installed with the towel bar in the Trailer Life Full Access video they did, as shown in the latest Good Sam Club CyberSam?Re: Breakdown InformationRonnie- Good luck tomorrow. Allison people know their stuff and should expedite a fix, but it likely will cost ya a bit. We'll look for your Outcome report. And thanks for following Badeye's reporting parameters in his Breakdowns thread; not everyone does.Re: Breakdown InformationWe assume what you mean is that your spare had never been used, but in actuality it wasn't new. It is accepted within the industry and in RV circles that 7 years is the age you want to change your tires, whether they have 30,000 miles or 0. Some say 5 years. I have gone much longer than that by having the tires inspected annually and keeping them minimally exposed to the sun, but there is a limit, and it sounds like your spare reached it. It likely shouldn't have been used any farther than it took to find a tire store and a replacement.Re: Breakdown InformationBeaver Monterey 400HP Cat, 3000HD Allison 6 spd 5400 miles 2006 model year Description of Symptoms and Effect: On the way down I-5 to Monaco's service center to have the windshield replaced under warranty, the Check Engine and Engine Warning lamps come on. I pull over and idle down. They go out. I go another half mile, they come on again. I pull over and they go out. I scratch my head, and drive another half mile, whereupon the lamps come on again, and I pull into a proximal Rest Area and shut down. I call Monaco's Coach Net support and the helpful tech suggests low coolant, i.e. - down below the expansion tank's sensor. How about NO coolant. An inspection shows an empty expansion tank and a jagged crack in the hose under it. The next morning Coach Net has me towed to Monaco's Service Center. Cause: Techs say the radiator hose was cracked in 5 places along its 6 foot length, and looked old. They surmise that the original hose was probably switched out by dealer to quick repair another coach, and replaced by a hose from an older rig instead of waiting for a new hose. Outcome: Monaco ordered and installed a new (actually upgraded) hose, and the tech reconfigured the straps that hold it so that hose and others cannot rub against chassis frame members as he noticed the factory had arranged them. If only Monaco's factory was as efficient as their Service Centers.