Beaver Monterey
400HP Cat, 3000HD Allison 6 spd
5400 miles
2006 model year
Description of Symptoms and Effect: On the way down I-5 to Monaco's service center to have the windshield replaced under warranty, the Check Engine and Engine Warning lamps come on. I pull over and idle down. They go out. I go another half mile, they come on again. I pull over and they go out. I scratch my head, and drive another half mile, whereupon the lamps come on again, and I pull into a proximal Rest Area and shut down. I call Monaco's Coach Net support and the helpful tech suggests low coolant, i.e. - down below the expansion tank's sensor. How about NO coolant. An inspection shows an empty expansion tank and a jagged crack in the hose under it. The next morning Coach Net has me towed to Monaco's Service Center.
Cause: Techs say the radiator hose was cracked in 5 places along its 6 foot length, and looked old. They surmise that the original hose was probably switched out by dealer to quick repair another coach, and replaced by a hose from an older rig instead of waiting for a new hose.
Outcome: Monaco ordered and installed a new (actually upgraded) hose, and the tech reconfigured the straps that hold it so that hose and others cannot rub against chassis frame members as he noticed the factory had arranged them.
If only Monaco's factory was as efficient as their Service Centers.