All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Corpus Cristi Coasta Area?What is the water temp like December-ish?Re: Corpus Cristi Coasta Area?Thanks! Is it hard to get in at Mustang for example? BillCorpus Cristi Coasta Area?Hi, I have a sea kayak and have been considering taking it to the Gulf for the Winter. Can anyone suggest some coastline or estuaries in rural Texas near the Corpus Cristi area or other clean water areas: BLM Lands, State Parks, or other areas to park? Thanks BRe: Airxcell Coleman's 13,500 btu Mach 8 Low Power ConsumptionThanks All, That's exactly the info I was looking for BillAirxcell Coleman's 13,500 btu Mach 8 Low Power ConsumptionThis topic has been moved to another forum. You can read it here: 29559778Airxcell Coleman's 13,500 btu Mach 8 Low Power ConsumptionHi, I found the specs for Running Wattage on this unit, but I have not found a power consumption value when the unit is on low. Does anyone know that, or measured it? Thnx BillRecomendations North Cal-Regon coast?Hi, Can anyone recommend a good coastal access site in National Forest ( preferably) areas of Northern California and Oregon? I have a sea kayak and would lite to put it in the water. Best season Fall? Thanks BillRe: Truck Tire Recommendations? Garry&Gayle wrote: Toyo or Yokohama Firestones are on it from factory and they're really worn. Firestone states they've had issue with factory installed tires not lasting. But replacements are said to be much better. I've had firestones on a Honda Element and they had phenomenal traction on ice. The tires were really soft to drive on, but they had super traction and lasted forever. They definately were worth the money I wont get Goodyears and I had Bridgestones i didnt think lasted well for what they cost. Thanks all for advice.Truck Tire Recommendations?Hi, I'm surprised to see how fast a 10,000lb 5th wheel has caused my truck tires to wear. What brand of tires have folks been happy with? Thanks, BillDon't trust that Propane Leak DetectorHad a problem w an odor in my new RV (bought Jan 2017). Thought it was gas, but I was directed by various sources (professionals) to suspect a dead mouse. Headed down to New Mexico to enjoy warmer weather (little need for a furnace) and taking the advice of a few dealers I thought I'd let the mouse dry out down here since I could find nothing in any ducts or access panels. Talked w the mfg several times to verify the structure of ducts, underbelly, etc so I could guestimate where the dead mouse was (the ordor was only when the furnace was running). Then after 2 months deciding its time to head north soon, fired up the furnace to see if the odor improved. It did not. As a result I decided to pull my furnace and find the mouse (dealers were reluctant to pull the furnace for me fearing an open ended expensive project of finding a dead mouse). Pulling the furnace I found no dead mouse or evidence of a mouse presence anywhere. SInce I had the furnace out I took it to a dealer to test. They found the furnace was leaking propane at the gas/heat exchanger connection. It was so loose it failed the bubble leak test by literally blowing the leak test fluid off; the fitting was only finger tight. So what I was smelling was propane as I origianlly suspected, and a RV gas leak test would not have found this. The furnace would have to be running to find the leak since the leak was downstream the furnace gas shutoff valve. Then checked my propane detector. How could there be such a stench in the coach and the detector not alarm? I tool a grill lighter, extinguished its flame, and poured that gas over the detector, letting it whiff up around the detector. The alarm never went off. I pushed the alarm test and yes it can make noise. Then I pointed the grill lighter directly into the detector vent, and after 10 seconds the alarm finally went off. Lesson learned: Do not trust your propane detector. Just because the test button will cause the alarm to sound does not mean it is detecting gas. Need a good test to actually verify the gas detection works. The detector is a Atwood. Note I talked with Atwood who seemed completely unconcerned. They only said to take it to a dealer for warranty service. Ya know, if this RV blew up, I bet Atwood would be concerned then
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