All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Overheating because fan won't come onOur fan does not work at all. The shop has talked to Tiffin and freightliner and are still diagnosing.Re: Overheating because fan won't come onI emailed Tiffin. Freightliner Chassis. And yes, to last question.Overheating because fan won't come onTiffin Zephyr overheated. Towed to Freightliner shop. Fan wasn't coming on. 6 weeks to get part rebuilt, still not fixed. Towed to second shop and after a day of working on it they can't figure out the configuration of the system. Does anyone have an idea?windshield coming loseI have a split windshield and the padsenger side is popping lose at upper right corner. Then extends downward. It was that way when we bought it, had it put back in place (didn't see what they did), later it cracked. Got worse, replaced it. Now its separating again. Any advise?Re: 6 string day/night shade repairI have the strings threaded properly and coming out the bottom. But when I took mine apart some of the strings were tied together at this point. I'm not sure which strings to tie into tensioner below shade on each side or if the two middle ones and more? should be knotted together to set in the channel. And if so, how do I gauge length?Re: 6 string day/night shade repairFixmyblinds doesn't show 6string directions6 string day/night shade repairI am restringing my day/night shade. It has 6 strings where most instructions only go up to 4. I have the ran the strings through night and day portions. All went well because I drew a diagram as I disassembled. However I'm stuck on what to do before I replace bottom channel. When I took it apart it appeared that the two middle strings were tied together and maybe some from the side. I think this was where my problem was all along. Probably didn't need new strings. Anyway, has anyone done a 6 string shade?turn signals on coachWe hooked up this morning and have no turn signals, no brake lights. We tried to check fuses and so did some service guys - no luck. Now parked at a place that checked fuses, some wires, etch. They suspect wiring in steering column. The manager here in Gorham, NH is going to call around tomorrow and try to find us a place that we can get to. Of course we will be driving without turn signals or brake lights. Camping world south of us does not to do Freightliner Chassis work. Anyone got any ideas? 2000 Tiffin Zephyr 42.5 ft.Re: purchase of older stored motorcoachAir fixed, needed 2lbs. Dryer quit. Breaker is fine. Will look for bad fuse today.Re: purchase of older stored motorcoachWe found the switch on the generator. Flipped the switch and now the air will run with generator power. Taking coach to shop tomorrow to see about dash air. Works but not cold enough. Wish that was just a switch or fuse. You know how the older cars had to have more freon put in occasionally? That's what it acts like.