All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsNashvilleThinking of doing Nashville. What are the best RV parks and things to do?NashvilleThis topic has been moved to another forum. You can read it here: 29766506Re: Flat tow a 4WD Colorado PUYes. Once you remove the key you remove all power.Re: Flat tow a 4WD Colorado PULet me start by saying, I am a Chevy Dealer. My shop has installed many hook ups. I only install blue ox. No special reason I just like that brand. When we do a Colorado we remove the column lock. Once you do this the key can be removed. Done.Re: Side CamerasI cut the trigger wires and put a switch. Now I can see my toad take a turn. Also. It helps to see the toad clear on lane changes. The camera mirrors are useless. Sometimes the sun blinds them. I did this 6 years ago. These builders need to add cameras at the rear lower to check on the toads tires.Re: Yellowstone advice?I was thinking a couple of weeks. so, the drive thru the park is ok in a 43 foot rv with a toad? I guessing I will stop outside of Grapevine TX first. Then my second stop will be Rocksprings then Yellowstone in the morning. On the way back I can drive thru the park to Jackson. Then Pikes Peak. Then a stop in Amarillo, then home to Louisiana.Re: Yellowstone advice?ok,, thanks for the advice. I think this is the way I will go, please let me know if this is an ok drive. I49 to Shreveport I20 to Dallas 287 Amarillo 2381 385 87 I25to Denver I25 Cheyenne can I cut it on the 287? I80 to Laramie 191 Rocksprings side trip to Jackson 89 26 20 Grizzly RV home 20 I15 89 6 191 I70 191 stop at arches I70 Denver I25 24 Pikes Peak I25 87 285 I40 Amarillo 287 Dallas I20 I49..... opinions?Re: Yellowstone advice?I like to drive hard at the start of a trip. I fell the excitement pumps me to push it. I always go to my farthest stop first then work my way back home. I am planning on stoping in Jackson on the way back. I know I can knock out the 2000 miles in 2.5 days. I drive to Disney 700 miles straight a couple times a year. My concern is the roads to the west side. Since there is not an interstate direct to the west side I need some opinions on the route from Louisiana.Yellowstone advice?I am planning a trip to West Yellowstone next summer. I am driving from Louisiana. I need some help on the route? What is the better way in a 43 foot rv with a toad?Re: 2016 Chev Colorado towing questionsI have a 2016 set up to tow. I am using M&G for the brakes and I use separate bulbs for rear lights. I have seen several vehicles in my shop using diodes for the tail lights and they cause problems. I am sure some people on these forums will say they have never had problems but when we sell these systems we will not tap into the factory lights. We disconnect the wires going to the key switch to disable the power with a toggle switch. My 2010 was much easier to tow.