All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutions2017 Leprechaun 319MB Ford E450 TruckI have owned the rig for a year and have no clue what this Toggle Switch is for. Its on the left Front Pillar above the Mirror controls and is labeled ON / OFF. At first I thought it was for the mirror controller but in the on or off position the mirrors still adjust. I looked in the manual and found nothing. Anybody know what this toggle switch controls? Re: 2017 Class C Electric fireplace issueWell that was it. If the electric water heater is on the fireplace outlet is disabled. Thanks for the input.2017 Class C Electric fireplace issueI have a 2017 Coachman Leprechaun. Two to 3 weeks ago I made sure everything was working before our 1000 mile trip up to Cape Cod Mass. Anyway everything worked fine even the electric fireplace insert. We get to our final destination and on the 2nd day its a little cool so we want to get the chill off. I try to turn on the fireplace and nothing. After some trouble shooting I find the issue with no power to the 120v outlet that powers the unit. I don't understand the wiring scheme its using. There is 1 Set of leads that is hot all the time going into a gang box. 1 set comes out of the box going to the outlet that powers the fireplace and another set leaves the box going to I don't know where. All 3 sets have the White wire connected together. The black common wire goes to this Relay. 1 Wire marked Common, the 2nd is on Normally Open contact the other is on normally closed contact. I can disconnect the power to the relay and the fireplace outlet works. I plug the relay back in and fireplace outlet don't work. Does anybody understand or know what is telling this relay to be on or off? What is the purpose of this relay. The way its wired if the relay is told to be on or off 1 set of leads is powered and the other is off. Gang box wiring Re: Coachmen leprochaun water heater bypassNo that's how mine works. I shut off the valve at the fresh water tank under the bed, put a short siphon hose from the hose connection into the jug of antifreeze and turn on the pump. If it siphons from your fresh water tank it should siphon from outside jug as long as that valve at tank is in bypass. You have it done now but that is how it should work. Sorry couldn't of been of more assistance JimRe: Coachmen leprochaun water heater bypassOut side at the water hook up is a blue lever. Down is for city water, to the left is Tank fill/Winterize. Switch it to tank fill/winterize and use the pump button that's there at the water connection to turn on the pump.Re: Coachmen leprochaun water heater bypassI have a 2017 32 foot leprechaun 319mb. My Water heater bypass valves are right behind the water heater. Remove the panel under the stove or under the fridge you should see 3 valves there. The low point drains are under the shower floor. Remove the panel to access them. Then theres 1 more valve at the fresh water tank to shut off. Now your ready to suck anti freeze in from out at the water hook up. Hope this helps Jim