All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Turn signal problemHope this helps.I once had a Chevy truck with similar issues and turned out to be the emergency flasher switch was bad,may be the same thing garry1p stated.Good luck. (spell check not working hope I did not need it ha ha)Re: Best RV Resort in the Sunshine state Coast to CoastWe to are new members of coast 2 coast just last year we joined.We were fortunate enough to use it four times now.It surly paid for it self after the first stay at one of the resorts, mainly because we stayed for 12 days at the resort. The other two stays went as they were suppose to.We also encountered a situation at another resort that we were told had no coast 2 coast sites left,but did offer a site for a reduced rate(it was $25 a night)still a fair rate.We arrived and the five days we were there saw most of the resort empty,due to the time of the year.It did seem to be a little suspicious though.My point is some of these parks do seem to try to squeeze a little more money out of you,while others follow their commentment.We are going to join again this year because hopefully are going to have time to make it worth our while.So maybe try anouther resort in the area.Hope this helps.Happy Trails....Re: 2006 Monaco Dynasty CountessSure looks like a nice coach.But my Pappy always told me if it sounds to good to be true well....Please beware when we were first looking at used coaches I also found a couple of coaches that were too good to be true.Happy Trails...Re: EMS/GENSET ISSUEThanks Jack,you are on to something here,I also posted on another forum as well .Since your first post and some great advice and research I do think you are spot on,I don't 12volt to my EMS control board and that seems to be the problem(I hope) so I will look to see if I can find the plug you are referring to and start there. Thank you very much for you help.I will post my results when I have some.Re: EMS/GENSET ISSUEWell here is the best that I can explain. 50 amp main breaker on shore power 121v on each side turn off shore, start genset same thing 120v on each side of breaker still only showing 30amp avilable.Connection J2 has 13.2 volts with either power.(shore or genset)Tried resetting thermostat(unpluged control wires for 10 mins.)Checked all neutral,hot,ground wires in all panels inside and out of coach all are tight.Thanks again for any help.Re: EMS/GENSET ISSUEThanks Jack.Makes since to me,can you please tell me where to check for this wire.Thanks again.EMS/GENSET ISSUE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a 2002 H.R.Imperial 7500 onan gen. with my energy manangment system display showing 30amp service when running and not gen set power when gen. is on line. It does read 50 amp (energy manangment) when pluged in to regular service.Also I can only get 30 amps of service from genset. Thank's to all for your great advice in advance.