Forum Discussion

WHITE_TOP's avatar
Jun 03, 2013



I have a 2002 H.R.Imperial 7500 onan gen. with my energy manangment system display showing 30amp service when running and not gen set power when gen. is on line. It does read 50 amp (energy manangment) when pluged in to regular service.Also I can only get 30 amps of service from genset. Thank's to all for your great advice in advance.
  • Having trouble with this picture deal. If you need the pic, pm me your email and I will send it that way.
  • Thanks Jack,you are on to something here,I also posted on another forum as well .Since your first post and some great advice and research I do think you are spot on,I don't 12volt to my EMS control board and that seems to be the problem(I hope) so I will look to see if I can find the plug you are referring to and start there. Thank you very much for you help.I will post my results when I have some.
  • This is how it was on mine. Yours may be slightly different. Outside on the gen the is a 4 prong connector going into the gen from the control panel on the dash. There is actually 5 wires, 2 blues coming out of one socket. One of those blues is the one you need. It should have 13 volts with gen running and it goes to the EMS.

    I don't know if it is still blue at the EMS. I never worked on that end of it. I can try to get you a pic if you can't find the plug.
  • Well here is the best that I can explain. 50 amp main breaker on shore power 121v on each side turn off shore, start genset same thing 120v on each side of breaker still only showing 30amp avilable.Connection J2 has 13.2 volts with either power.(shore or genset)Tried resetting thermostat(unpluged control wires for 10 mins.)Checked all neutral,hot,ground wires in all panels inside and out of coach all are tight.Thanks again for any help.
  • Thanks Jack.Makes since to me,can you please tell me where to check for this wire.Thanks again.
  • I changed the control panel on my genset and in doing so, found that there is a wire carrying 12 volts from generator to EMS to let EMS know gen is running. This is because the gen puts out 120 volts on the same phase making the ems think you are on 30 amps using a dog bone. I suspect if a 50 amp service was wired with both legs on the same phase, we would see the same issue.

    That wire may be broken or corroded. Just the first thing that came to mind.