All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Class ‘A’ motor homes FORD chassis. wildmanbaker wrote: Our local Ford Dealer, had the big bays and a lift for MHs, but took it out for more service for pickups and cars. What does that tell you? Ford sold the HD truck business to Freightliner in 1998. The largest vehicle they now sell is the F750. The standard F750 has the same chassis capacity as the largest F53.There isn't much call for the equipment used on the larger vehicles unless the dealerships have acquired a different brand to sell. Motorhomes and medium duty trucks are a small percentage of the vehicles they work on. Our local Ford dealer estimates less than 10% of their business is motorhome chassis. It's hard to justify the expense for space and tools for that small amount of businessRe: 22.5 wheelsYou might need new longer studs on the rear drums or rotors. Aluminum wheels are much thicker than steel ones.Re: tow dolly brakesWe used a RoadMaster 2000-1 for around 20,000 miles towing a Buick LeSabre. We liked the electric brakes because they would hold when stopped going uphill while the surge brakes won't. If you have a motorhome built on a Ford chassis a brake controller is a plug and play device. We used a Tekonsha P2 controller. The P2 for all intents and purposes has been replaced by the P3. Also the 2000-1 dolly is no longer manufactured. It was a great dolly, in fact the one we purchased in 2001 is still being used by a friend to this day. I think their demise was mainly due to cost. Shortly before they were phased out the retail price was in the $3,700.00 range. There are a lot of dollies on the market for a lot less money' RoadMaster currently makes a dolly with a swivel plate. The original 2000-1 had steerable wheels that would follow in the tracks of the rear wheels on the motorhome. Tweety's still offers the original model for a little over $3,800.00. As an FYI we stopped using the dolly in about 2005. It seemed pointless to tow the Buick half way across the country, then park it in the campground when we rented a jeep for off roading. Often times the Buick got 20 miles or less on the odometer over the course of a 2 week trip. In 2005 we purchased a Jeep Wrangler that we still tow 4 down today.Re: Fuel for GassersI've checked the mileage religiously on our 2001 Adventurer and our 2013 Adventurer. It's hard to put an exact number to the mileage difference due to the number of variables involved, but with both motorhomes we've consistently gotten 1 mph or more traveling the same routes when using the non ethanol regular. Given mileage is usually between 7 mpg and 8 mpg depending on the route traveled. An additional 1 mpg with non ethanol makes it cost effective to use it when available.Re: Fuel for GassersIf you're looking to improve fuel mileage non ethanol regular (87 octane) is the way to go. As mentioned the ethanol does nothing in that regard except lower the mileage by the amount of ethanol in the fuel. With a 10% blend you can expect a 10% poorer mileage than with non ethanol unleaded. It's a bit amusing that the non ethanol regular gasoline is most available in Iowa, the state that produces the most ethanol in the country. Non ethanol regular wasn't even available in neighboring Wisconsin until about 5 years ago. Even now it's not available at most stations. It's more easily found in rural areas and those catering to "recreational vehicles". In this case recreational vehicles refers to ATV's and marine inboard and outboard motors.Re: Gen leaking fuelA little research seems to reveal that the 39' models were only available as diesel pushers. Here are links to Bounder brochures for 2001. Diesel Powered: Gas Powered: How long to build Class A Gas motorhomeDuring a "normal" year it usually takes about 4 months from the time the unit is ordered to the time it's delivered. That makes the assumptions chassis are available when ordered, body and systems parts are available to the body builder, and they have a full compliment of employees to build it. Over the last year due to Covid we've seen a shortage of parts to build the chassis, a shortage of parts for the body builders, a shortage of employees, and an unusually large number of orders. All things combined I would venture to guess 6 months between ordering and delivery would be the shortest time span to expect. Talking to our local Ford truck dealer I was informed they are getting about 1/3 of the units they order in a timely manner (3 to 4 months) many models are backordered with no definite delivery time.Re: Gen leaking fuelDoes your generator have a single fuel filter or 2 filters? Our 2001 Adventurer originally came with 1 fuel filter at the pump, and a second screwed into the carb. Onan later eliminated the one at the carb because after it was replaced a few times the threads would often start to leak. They came out with a fitting that would replace the filter and remain in place permanently. Later models came only with a single filter at the pump.Re: Wanting to install Ceiling Fan in BedroomWe installed one in our 2001 Adventurer and ordered one from the factory in our 2013 Adventurer. In the 2001 I centered it over the bed in the bedroom. No additional bracing was required, and power was extended from the original 12 volt overhead light. The original light had a switch on the wall so I replaced the light with one that had a built in switch. The switch on the wall would put power to both units and the light could be turned on independently from the built in switch. Be sure to locate the fan so that it can be run with the slides in ( our 2001 didn't have a slide) and the cabinet doors can be opened without interfering. I would also suggest getting one with a remote control rather than a pull chain. That way the fan can be turned on or off and speeds can be changed without getting out of bed. It will also minimize strain on the mounts induced by constantly pulling on a chain. I installed the fan in our 2001 in early 2002. We put over 12 years and 110,000 miles on the unit before trading it in on the 2013. It was still quiet and working fine when the motorhome was traded in.Re: Rochelle, ILThanks for the great suggestions. We'll check them all out. We have a few months to figure this out, so I'm sure one of them will work. Thanks again for taking the time to help us. Tracy
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