All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsPropane AlarmDH was preparing our 04 PW for the first trip of the season. I planned to have a "girl's getaway --just the dog and I. As I was working the propane alarm started going off. Previously I had tested the stove by briefly turning it on. There is no odor in the PW or out by the tank. Seems like I remember from previous postings that these alarms occasionally fail (ours is original dated 8/03). DH unscrewed face plate and found wires "crimped" and not joined with wire nuts. Is it a big deal to DIY? I don't want to be jolted out of sleep in the middle of the night and not be able to stop the noise. Nor do I want a gas leak. Any advice? Thanks in advance.Re: Pleaure Way Excel Water LeaksWe have a 2004 Excel which developed a rear leak. We followed various suggestions from this site with no success. Took it to our dealer and was told the upper seal between the top and body needed replacing--just the back half. That cost $400 but stopped the leak. I am concerned that the front half might also start leaking but so far, so good. Water leaks can be tricky because the water can appear far from where it is coming in.Leaking Kitchen FaucetWe have a 2004 PW Excel and the kitchen faucet has begun leaking. DH who has replaced many kitchen home faucets has been trying to handle the PW problem. He would like to put in a totally new faucet but things seem tightly sealed. Has anyone done this and are there some "secrets" to make things easier? Thanks in advance.Re: What Did You Do To Your Class B Today ?Have given up on summer. Moved the PW to front driveway; cleaned inside while DH does outside. Now, I am slowing stocking it with food. After church tomorrow, we are off--don't know where, but will head north/northwest. Am enticing DH with the promise of a fantastic bakery I read about this week in the newspaper.mmmmmRe: What Did You Do To Your Class B Today ?We finally have had two days with sun and no rain. I looked out the window at my PW and vowed that by May 27, I will have it cleaned, loaded and ready to go--somewhere, anywhere even if the rains have returned! It has been too long since we have used our beloved PW.Re: What Did You Do To Your Class B Today ?Today I ran the engine and exercised the generator. I was rather sad because we only used the B about 10 days this past year. I kept thinking we would make it out for another trip but no luck. DH and I will used it as a bedroom over Thanksgiving. Our East Coast kids and grandkids are coming and they can have the house and we will sleep in the B. I also removed all canned goods, coke, bottled water etc. Last year I forgot to do this. An unusually hard freeze came and the stored coke froze, breaking the cans. When things thawed out, there was one big mess to clean up.Re: RV Fuel Issues & Prices - Post 'Em Here!Once we paid $4 per gal. numbness replaced shock and indignation. Life may never be the same. There are many more consumers worldwide now that China and other emerging economies are becoming greater consumers. I hope the old American "can do' inventiveness will be able to come up with a solution--but I don't know.Re: Watching these videos could save your life!I consider myself a very good driver. I sent for the videos and was amazed when I viewed them. I knew enough not to put on the brakes after a blowout but would have instinctively let up on accelerator. Hope I never need the info but am so glad that I have it
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