All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsOnan 5500 won't start- control panel beeps?!Hello all ...started onan 5500 Itasco 2002 Suncruiser this morning and no problems as usual! Tried this afternoon and get a beep at inside coach by control panel and gensat starter chugs then stops chugs then stops ...generator never fires off and no codes. checked fuses-ok, have juice in both batteries-ok, have 3/4 tank full of gas-ok, ...patience faltering-not so ok :) Any ideas? Much Thanks Harry => Thanks to all!! The beep sounds like a "low voltage" alarm complaining - that sounds like what I heard inside the coach! both engine/house batteries show good voltage and are new within the year and have been ok. checked connection at battery posts and gensat. gensat oil level good and replaced 4 mths back. Starter is kicking in and stopping, kicking in and stopping...I am hoping not to find a frozen gensat!! (groan...) Will post back with results Cheers HarryRe: Tow Vehicle steering binds after towingAll - thanks for input! I have been doing the idle and slowly turning wheel and that seems to works. There is a bit of smell I notice at unhook of jeep something like brakes but not quite, more rubbery. probably can expect additional wear and tear on the jeep rack and pinion - something to look forward to... I have never replaced one of those! Cheers HarryRe: Tow Vehicle steering binds after towingis this a problem to be concerned with? other than ensuring power steering reservoir is full? Start engine and let it run a bit before exercising steering. Is there a power steering rack-pinion auxillary pump that is necessary? other options? Thanks HarryTow Vehicle steering binds after towingTowing Jeep Liberty 2003 automatic 4x4. Short distances don't seem to be a problem, but 200 miles last trip caused steering to bind up upon disconnect and start up of jeep, noticed when turning. steering resists turning sharply and shuddering can be felt in steering wheel. after 5 minutes it loosens up (whew!) thought I had done a zinger to myself!? I have followed the book on hook up and transmission set up (4x4 in neutral and transmission into park - don't think problem is in drive gearing, rather in steering) -- Any thoughts? Is there something that needs to be done specially for the rack+pinion steering? Thx HarryRe: Sliding door Plastic/snap latchesGood idea on attaching a photo, but I don't easily see how to do that. I did find out they are called tie backstraps, and I can get them close by, but at some point it would be nice to create an alternate that will not break so easily.Re: Ideas for addtional support for bathroom cabinet contentsThank you for the ideas! This is really fabulous to have this forum and to get such quick responses from "the community". I think we can definitely incorporate the tension rods, foam, and boxes where appropriate. Thanks again :) StacyIdeas for addtional support for bathroom cabinet contentsHas anyone come up with a good technique or product for supporting the bathroom toiletries better in the bathroom cabinets to keep them from moving around so much during travel? The shelf they sit on has a wooden 1/2" to 1" lip but it seems it would be nice to have additional support higher up that could be easily removed once stationary. i.e. using dowels or cords that would be placed without blocking closure of cabinet door? We can be creative but thought why recreate the wheel if ideas already out there. Thanks, StacySliding door Plastic/snap latchesOne of our 2 sliding door plastic/snap latches busted on our first trip in our new/used motorhome indicating we should have replacements on hand. I'm assuming these can be found at Camping World or other RV suppliers. Has anyone seen another product or devised a better way to secure these doors? Thanks Stacy30 AMP EMS with 2002 Itasca - want to change to 50 AMPGuys - Great responses to my dilemma. Is it possible to hook up a splitter at the source - run the existing 30 Amp cable into the RV EMS and run an alternate 30 Amp (or maybe 30 amp to 20 amp adapter) cable into the RV for additional loads. Seems like the EMS shedding would be bypassed. Am I trying to split too many hairs here??! -- (1) central heat / air conditioning system Thanks Harry ------------ Sitting here in 113 degree Phoenix sunshine at Paradise RV park! Good friend retired master electrician "suggested" changing 30AMP source cable to a 50AMP source cable. This would compensate for heat loss of Volts(AMPs) in existing cable and would provide additional power (AMPs). The current display EMS panel does have a 50 AMP mode available to it. Manual indicates that EMS system will be disabled if 50 AMP is sourced. Have reflective material on all windows and AC is cycling ok to keep up with cooling (mid day heat causes it to jump to 2nd stage a bit - 27AMP draw). - What considerations am I missing? - EMS seems to be a good way to control AMP useage (it sheds load). - 4 wire 50AMP cable can probably be added relatively easily (with my old time buddies help) Thx Harry
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