All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: What pressure or temp radiator cap for a 440 powered rig?Exactly! Had to do a heater core 2000 miles from home once. No fun!Re: What pressure or temp radiator cap for a 440 powered rig?That's what I figured. Auto parts stores all wanted to give me 14's! I know higher pressure would mean better cooling but these old heater cores and radiators don't like it!What pressure or temp radiator cap for a 440 powered rig?Someone replaced our cap at some point with the red lever style and that broke off. Would like to replace the cap with the proper original one. Wondering what pressure/temp one would've been stock to a 1979 with a 440 Dodge motor? I've read 12psi, 16psi... I know more is better but only if your system can handle it! Just don't want to blow anything.Re: What to use to replace this grey piping & purge valves?Thanks Bill, that's so appreciated, you have no idea! We're very far from home and have no idea what we're doing. Just trying to get by and this soaked carpet has to end! I looked into the Quest fittings and that looks fine. Think I can find them at the local hardware stores? Any advice on those quick-release Sea Tech connections? Might those work? Seem way easier to install! We're staying in Scottsdale at the Trailer Corral. They were kind enough to let us stay (as NO parks in the area allow rigs this old!) under the condition we leak no fluids... well... it didn't when we arrived!Re: What to use to replace this grey piping & purge valves?Well, I have no means (skills or money!) to replumb everything so I need to just fix the problem at hand! What about the Sea Tech slip on connections? Was just going to cut about 1' out on both the hot and cold, removing the valves entirely (in AZ, no winterizing here!), and put straight line in with those Sea Tech couplers.What to use to replace this grey piping & purge valves?After weeks of having a bathroom that kept getting wet... I think I found the culprit! Under my vanity are the air purge valves for winterizing. Looks like the cold is weeping as it's wet. How the heck do I replace that? Haven't messed with anything that wasn't threaded on the water lines! I was told about Flair-It fittings but those seem to be only for PEX and this is PVC. Since we live in AZ I was thinking about just bypassing everything in the pics with straight line... thoughts? Re: Going to Phoenix for a while, mixed park reviews! Help!We ended up at the only place, (and trust me I called everywhere I could find), that would allow something so old was Scottsdale Trailer Corral. So, just over $600 later (nearly all our savings!) we have a home for a month. Now to find jobs, then a car, then an apartment! Starting from the bottom isn't easy!!Re: Going to Phoenix for a while, mixed park reviews! Help!We're planning on relying strictly on bicycles and public transportation till we can save enough for a basic car and I can get my motorcycle shipped down here from MA! Looking at Tempe now. There are two parks that seem less discriminatory; and Going to call them now and see if they have room!Re: Going to Phoenix for a while, mixed park reviews! Help!We're not partiers or anything like that; just a very quiet young couple with two kitties :) Unfortunately our age and the age of our RV gets us snubbed by many. Luckily we've found nice people along the way!Re: Going to Phoenix for a while, mixed park reviews! Help!Sounds like Mesa is where we'll be! Found a job there I could fit in perfectly too. Now to see if they like me! XD