All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsK100 fuel additiveLocal RV service center is recommending putting in some K100 fuel additive when I store my RV. They swear it is so much better then Sta-Bil. Has anyone used this in their gas coaches? Is it any good? Thanks for any info...Proportional or full braking (Brake Buddy)Hi all, Got a new motor home so I decided to get a new BrakeBuddy. The one I have is the original in the squarish metal box. I'm undecided if I should get the new proportional braking unit or go with the updated full braking system. There is a few hundred $$ difference. All comments are welcome. Thanks....Re: Winnebago recommendations.We are now on our 4th Winnebago, Itasca actually, and could not be happier. The fit,finish, and quality of workmanship put into these rigs is great. You can't go wrong with a Winnebago product.Re: Class 'A' ?I can understand that certain parks have standards and rules, it's within their rights to exclude "linearly" challenged class A MH's. It is also within my rights to pass by that particular park and go to one that will accept my 28' class A as it is. I'm sure there are many parks that would love to have my RV dollars. As we age, and our desire for smaller coaches increases, these "exclusive" parks may see their RV dollars dwindle. Just our opinion....Re: My 1st Class ACongratz on your new rig. Hope you have many adventures "on the road". You will find this forum helpful and informative. Enjoy the Journey...Re: Radio control planes/copters/quadcopters SCVJeff wrote: jolooote wrote: I have a nervious condition called Primary Tremmors(shaky hands & fingers). I tried flying gas planes years ago & found it impossible. I than tried electrics, again, impossible for me. The Parrot Drone is the only thing I can actually do. You would likely be able to fly any of the more sophisticated flight control quads. Once an episode starts or you start having trouble in general, just let go of the sticks and it will just sit there on station waiting for you. If you really get in trouble you can hit one switch and it will fly home, auto-land within 1.5' of where it left, and shut the motors off. There are people that fly theirs in acrobatic mode that can do things thought impossible a few years ago. If you're good enough to get that crazy and get in trouble where you can't control it, again, flip a switch. You need something with GPS in it, but once you fly something with that kind of control assist, you'll never go back. And they ain't that expensive anymore. You need to check out and look at the 350QX. This is one of those quads that has the smart mode. You can let go of the sticks and the quad will hover in place. (I have the 350QX and it flys as advertised.) Check this link out. Another quad is the DJI Phantom line at There are a number of quads there that have the smart mode. Check out the videos at both sites, you will be pretty amazed how easy it is to learn to fly these units. I would recommend that you go to and check out them out and become a member of this modeling group. They are the worlds largest model association and they offer a lot of information and help to the modeling world. Hope this helps...Re: Radio control planes/copters/quadcopters NinerBikes wrote: SCVJeff wrote: NinerBikes wrote: jolooote wrote: Is it true that the Parrot AR Drone 2.0 has TWO cameras ? I thought it was one camera, two functions, video and still shot. i think it actually is, but the second camera is facing down and tied to the flight control computer for station keeping. It's not for photography. Cool idea, but the quad has very limited range For me, it's to learn how to fly a quad, not much more or less. Want something not too expensive to fix when I crash and break things. There are a number of relative inexpensive quads. There is the Hubsan x4 107L for about $55 on amazon or ebay. complete with a transmitter. It can be flown in your rig and also outside, but not when its windy. If you want to have one with a camers, you can get the Hubsan X4 H107C for about $70. Fly in rig and outside....again not very windy. There are some that offer FPV....frist person viewing, your transmitter has a screen and a video is transmitter from the copter back and you see where ya goin. Hubsan X4 H107D FPV for about $175. Spare parts, especially props can be obtained from ebay pretty "cheep". Check out and look at the Nano QX ad the 180 QX. They are fun to fly and really dont cost a lot....Hope this helps.Radio control planes/copters/quadcoptersHi all, Just wondering how many Rv'ers out there fly radio control planes, heli's or quads? I'm heavy into quads flying with my Gopro camera. Would like to hear about some of the places ppl have flown, some of their experiences, and see some of the pics taken, if any. Just wondering.... Enjoy the Journey....RVND 7720 or GS RVND 7725?Hi all, Been reading some of the posts about RVND 7720 and GS 7725. Some of the posts say the Garmin took them way out of their way and some times down dirt roads. (I'll do that in my Wrangler, but not to keen about doing that in the rig.) Some posts are lovin' the 7720/7725 ... some are not so complimentary. Is the map database uninformed about dirt roads? Is the routing software inefficient when it maps out routes? (Amazon has the 7720 for about $276 with free shipping. The GS is about $299 with free shipping also.) Is there any realreal difference between the 7720 and 7725 outside of the GS brand on the 7725? We've been usin' TomToms for years w/o any issues, our TT is only a year old, but we always have to be alert for low bridges, dirt roads, well you get the idea. Just wondering if the 7720 or 25 would be a good addition to the TT. Thanks in advance for any info... Enjoy the Journey....Winnebago 27N Vista...Hi all, Looking at the 27N Winnebago Vista. It looks like its is a well made coach. Would like to hear about any experiences Vista owners are having like handling, rattles, etc. Any and all inputs are welcome. Thanks in advance for all input