A note to all travelers in West Virginia. Speeding is tolerated and even encouraged apparently on most highways in the state. Keep in mind this particular speed trap on US19 is maintained by a local city police department. The Highway Patrol in our state is rarely seen and practically never an issue for motorist. I was told they actually do not have state funds to properly patrol the roads. Well.....duh.....get out and write some tickets. Revenue for your department is waiting for you to go after it.
There is a current construction site through the Huntington area where the Interstate is being widened from 4 to 6 lanes. Traffic is temporarily forced into a very narrow two lanes between temporary barriers and the guard rail. Traffic is limited to 50 mph and warned not to change lanes in this 2 mile section. It's unbelievable how many people run this section at 65+ and change lanes at random!!! Police could care less. If you obey the law motorist will tailgate you and then wave with their middle finger at the end of the construction.
So motorist do no be intimidated by this little speed trap near Summersville. West Virginia is exactly what the sign says at the point of entry...Wild Wonderful West Virginia