moisheh wrote:
I must disagree with Tony Lee. Because Overlander is a Wiki the info is very biased. Not really very good for anyone with a Class A or a 5th wheel. More designed for tenters and van campers. There too many popular CG's that are not listed. Doesn't hold a candle to Church and Church. Alas they do not publish anymore but the book is still useful. Lots of hints and tips as well as some general tourist information.
Disagree all you like, but the facts are if it is biassed - which I think you might be mistaking for all-inclusive, it is because the great hoard of US snowbirds either haven't heard of it or haven't bothered using it because they are clinging on to a publication that is obviously defunct and is increasingly out of date. Lets face it MOST RVers from the USA don't travel in Mexico, but just stay in their enclaves year after year so they haven't used Church's book for ten years anyway. However, quite easy to check just how unrealistic it is. Just get out your church's book and start comparing what it has and see which ones are and are not on iOverlander - and of course which ones are on ioverlander and not in Church's book. Not all of the chgurch's offerings are suitable for class As either and many are designated for small motorhomes only. All that did is give users of their book more choice and it recognised that truck campers make up a reasonable proportion of RVs going down to Mexico.
Ioverlander is modern, convenient and it's content is also up to date and interactive and available off-line. It is for travellers, not those who sit in the same patch of sun for four months every year, but does have the advantage that all those going to Mexico (and in fact all over the world) can use it if they want to. Free to try. Free to reject, unlike an obsolete book.