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G7ARYM's avatar
Feb 16, 2019

Las Vegas NASCAR race, tips how to enjoy

A recent post asked about when to leave for the race which I would like to expand on.
Tip 1, do not drive to the race!
Unless you have the time and resources to reserve an RV spot above the back straight for the entire race week or hire a helicopter shuttle do not drive. Life is too short to spend the hours of aggravation in stopped traffic with impatient ratty old raised pickup trucks filled with people who have bad tattoos, questionable dental work and fat girlfriends. You will see these same people on the way home only they will be drunk. Wait, that is really unfair to the people who attend the Phoenix, Vegas and two California races. They have cleaner trucks, better tattoos, teeth and hotter girlfriends but are still drunk.
Park the rig at Circus-Circus or Oasis on the south end of the strip and for the price of a couple of bad minutes at the ***** or 21 tables you can ride a luxury shuttle bus nonstop from Treasure Island or the Tropicana (These two have free parking) returning 1 hour after the checker flag from in front of the main grandstand. They have a secret back way into the track and are not stuck in traffic like the rest of us. No food or drink can be taken on board but they have an all-important restroom. No coolers are allowed into the track but a Subway is OK. If you really need to get your buzz on for cheap go to any large national liquor store and hunt for individual shot sized plastic bags of 100 proof vodka, gin and whiskey packed about 15 to a box. Load your pockets with them and get a cup of ice and soda, hold the soda and you are in business.
For tailgating prior to the race bring a couple of large, really large bags of chips. Once off the bus look for your drivers’ number on flags waving over the parties in the lot. Walk up to one and tell them your buddies stood you up and would they like a couple of bags of chips. I guarantee you will have plenty of food and drink with your new best friends.
This is Vegas so you can bet. I use the “Shotgun” method betting on the first 5 drivers with odds of 6-1 and higher. Favorite drivers need not apply when it comes to money. Put $20 on each and for a $100 buy in if any one wins you put at least $140 ($120 win + $20 bet) in your pocket. Adjust the numbers up or down as you feel comfortable. Besides it adds to the excitement of the race with big money riding on 5 drivers. Twice I have won with a driver who was ahead for only the last lap in overtime. Don’t ask me who, I only remember the $220 last September when I was in Reno.
I have only been doing this since 1962 when NASCAR was based on street car sheet metal and motors with a few racing modifications. Not the corporate Barbie Doll drivers and spec racers where if they go too fast then horsepower is taken away lessens my interest. But if it makes noise and goes fast, I will still watch.

(To the moderator. I am sorry if someone was offended by the word *****. However, the proper and legal name of the dice game as sanctioned by the Nevada State Gaming Commission was used correctly and has no relationship to the lower case singular word associated with an essential human excretory function.)
  • We went to Michigan 400, PIR a couple times and Vegas we had rv infield almost since the day the track opened.
    Perfect corner spot back to the garages and walk right down to the infield tunnel.
    First year was about $400 and you got tickets for the Busch series race. Dry camp for almost a week.
    Watching the jets fly right over from Nellis afb was awesome.
    After 8 years they got greedy. Our spot went up to $1200 and we couldn't see the value.
    And they putin the neon garage and we couldn't see anything.
    Had to take a trolly outside the infield to get to the grandstands
    Want to do the truck race but they don't let you park on motorhome hill
    Then they wonder why they keep losing the audience
  • The 4wide is on my list for next year. You didn't mention Fontana and the Irwindale gravel pit or Bakersfield March meet where some 90+ fuelers showed up to qualify for a 64 car field in 1965. I have the bracket from Drag News on my wall. Sad but only 14 top fuel cars entered the Winternationals this year. The professionalism and costs are so high now it's prohibitive. Time was a guy had a motor another a chassis, they found a driver, another paid for fuel and you went racing. Great memories.
  • Went to the inaugural 4-Wide drags last April. Wow. I grew up in SoCal around Lions, Fontana, Riverside, and OCIR, so I've had my share of nitro fumes. And the chest-pounding of the exhaust is not a new thing.

    But Holy Schniikes! Stick 4 10,000hp vehicles side by side, and it's actually hard to breathe when they take off!

    Yeah, we're going again this year!
  • Sounds like you have it down to a science. I won't be there but, thank you. :C