Forum Discussion

Hedgehog's avatar
Apr 04, 2014

Massachusetts to Nashville, TN

I am thinking about a trip from Eastern Massachusetts to Nashville TN and was looking for advice. Which are the best routes? I am traveling in a 40' diesel pusher. Also, where are some good areas to stop and rest a long the way. I plan on taking two days each way for traveling. Any recommendations on campgrounds or things to do while down there? Thank you in advanced.
  • X3. Plenty to stop at down 81. Might consider hitting Luray, Virginia, and North Bridge, VA. There are Yogi campgrounds at both stops - they are pricey, but they were nice campgrounds. You also won't be far from Gettysburg when you go through the Harrisburg area of PA on 81.
  • alfredmay wrote:
    I-84 to !-81 to !-40 would be my choice. It avoids major urban areas, is scenic and has almost no tolls. The only down side is it is hilly.

    x2 hills aren't too big
  • I-84 to !-81 to !-40 would be my choice. It avoids major urban areas, is scenic and has almost no tolls. The only down side is it is hilly.