Forum Discussion

pkpieplow's avatar
Jun 02, 2015

North Florida and South Georgia


Is anyone familiar with the roads of North Florida and South Georgia? I make several trips a year from Valdosta to St. George island. I've always used same route: Quitman to Monticello to hwy 259 to wakeenah and wacissa....hwy 59 to 98. Unfortunately the trip home this weekend I hit a tree limb and destroyed the front AC unit on my 5th wheel. I think the accident happened between Quitman and Monticello.

Any one have knowledge of safe roads in this area? Thanks in advance.
  • Thanks to all that responded. Made a trip down to St. George last weekend with a repaired RV. I went from Quitman to I-10 on Hwy 221. Then my usually route via Capps and Wacissa on 59 down to 98. There were still a few areas where I made my wife jump out of truck and look as I slowly went under. Especially, now that I am gun shy of anything low.

    I am going to use the 84 to 319 route next trip just to see. I was trying to avoid Tally as much as possible. You can also stay on I-10 and go west of Tally and pick up Hwy 65 through Tate's Forest. You end up right in Eastpoint.

    I am assuming you take the bypass around Thomasville?

    PS> I could also stop for bridge jumping into the river in Sopchoppy. Ha Ha
  • Worm Grunting is the fine art of obtaining fish bait from the earth. 1) Find a nice swampy (but not wet)piece of ground, preferably in the Apalachicoa National Forest. 2) Drive a foot long wedge of 2 x4 into the ground. Take a brick (or another piece of 2x4) and draw it back and forth across the top of the "stob" you have inserted in the ground and listen to it grunt. Wait for the worms to pop up. 3) gather up enough worm to catch a mess of fish, pull out your "stob" and go fishing. lizzie
  • ct1964ups wrote:
    lizzie wrote:
    How about US 84 west to Thomasville, then US 319 through Tallahassee, Crawfordville, Sopchoppy, etc. to US 98. Might be a tad further but these roads are certainly clear and suitable for any sized RV. lizzie (PS. sorry about the AC)

    I would do 84 to Thomasville as noted.....then in Thomasville pickup rt 19 straight to rt 27 then 27 into 319..Capital Circle ....down to 98....this put you on the south side of Tally..we go in this way for football all fall...Chuck

    I heard ya...but there is hardy any traffic on that part of 27 and bring him to the same spot on thinks....there is only 2 lights on 27 and one is 319...Chuck
  • That will work. Personally, I would not go out of my way to use mostly 2-lane US 27, when I could stay on 4-lane US 319. The important thing is that either way, he will go through Sopchoppy, the Worm Grunting Capitol of the World. lizzie
  • lizzie wrote:
    How about US 84 west to Thomasville, then US 319 through Tallahassee, Crawfordville, Sopchoppy, etc. to US 98. Might be a tad further but these roads are certainly clear and suitable for any sized RV. lizzie (PS. sorry about the AC)

    I would do 84 to Thomasville as noted.....then in Thomasville pickup rt 19 straight to rt 27 then 27 into 319..Capital Circle ....down to 98....this put you on the south side of Tally..we go in this way for football all fall...Chuck
  • Be sure to stay on US 319 Capital Circle and don't go straight through Tallahassee.
  • How about US 84 west to Thomasville, then US 319 through Tallahassee, Crawfordville, Sopchoppy, etc. to US 98. Might be a tad further but these roads are certainly clear and suitable for any sized RV. lizzie (PS. sorry about the AC)