In the last two weeks Jesus has pulled in 820 pounds of lobster, and a half ton of huachinango (red sea bass). Tues night he bagged over 200 lbs of lobster. He found the holy-grail site and with the Underwater Kinetics Light Canon he snagged gunny sacks full then inflated bladders to surface them. Refinding a site used to be impossible. Now with a backpacker model GPS he returns to within meters. Same for the sea bass. They haunt a flat topped pena where some Chinese fishing boat lost a net worth maybe a hundred grand. It's 37 feet to the net and he uses a roller rod and multiple hooks. He goes to Lazaro and buys specially frozen shrimp heads at a decent price.
Surface temps are warmer this year but at 20+ feet depth the water is around 6F cooler than previous years. Less onshore wind no upwelling and some weather nuts are using skewed data for their alarmist theories about ocean temperatures in this region. Hotter on top colder below.
He has never seen lobster productivity this good. "For every one I catch I see fifty more". And he has exclusive federal pesca rights to 3 Km of shoreline out to 100 mts depth.
Zihuatanejo should have a good supply of red sea bass in the marcado. As usual, buyers from Guadalajara and Mexico come in and offer a few thousand pesos more and take the entire load. Looks like Veracruz, once the capitol of huachinango is having a critical shortage.