Forum Discussion

Little_Kopit's avatar
Jun 12, 2013

Road Conditions

Look, you can find information re. road conditions yourself. You don't have to ask or bring up a thread from months and months ago.

- go to domained search engine such as:

- search province name and government, ie. Ontario government. Scan page for road related word. Follow links.




You can bet your bottom $ that the words "highways, roads, or transportation" are for one of the most popular request topics everywhere.

ps I'll grant you that may not tell you 'we promise to have this fixed in 3 more days' or such 100% of the time, but certainly it's a good starting point.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    I fully agree with Paul that time sensitive threads should be closed. It simply adds to the confusion if the posted event has passed.

    Here on the Canada/ Alaska forum I try not to over-moderate and for the most part, our members who post here are respectful of their fellow posters. We will not always agree and the important thing to remember is not to take it to a personal level. Challenging an opinion is fine but challenging a member is not.

    ... Eric
  • Thanks Paul.

    I was trying to give an alternate way of finding information. & yes it is there at the provincial highways dept sections of the provincial government pages.

    & while we are on ways of finding things, lots are unsure about searching.

    Both yahoo and google have domained sections for say - different countries. Canada is .ca so rather than The search engine has less volume to search that way.

  • Despite his complaint, Little Kopit has been quite generous with information. Check some of the recent Newfoundland and Labrador threads.
  • Nice reply Paulj. I stopped using the forum and quit recommending it to others because some long time members, that think they own the forum, makes fun of new or less experienced users. The moderators needs to control them better. Very few people post questions just for the sake of asking questions.
  • Jim and Barb wrote:
    ... They are not privy to the posts that are two months old that happen to pertain to the subject matter they are asking about....

    But that wasn't the OPs complaint:
    ...You don't have to ask or bring up a thread from months and months ago.

    Apparently a poster did a search, and found a thread about a highway closure last fall. They revived the thread, asking about current conditions. Little Kopit's point was that this is a major cross-Canada highway. A little logic should tell us that such a closure would have been addressed months ago.

    My thinking is that a time sensitive thread like that needs to be closed once the problem has been addressed.

    Right now there is a thread about highway closures due to flooding. Let's say, three months from now, you are on your way back from Alaska, and trying to decide whether to return via Jasper and Banff. What would you ask or search?

    - add a post to the current closure thread, asking if the floods have subsided?

    - start a new thread

    - see if there threads less than a month old about Banff

    - check drivebc and AMA (Alberta AAA) for road conditions and webcams

    - check current conditions reports on the National Park website
  • You old prickly pears do need to realize there are many new members to the forum. They are not privy to the posts that are two months old that happen to pertain to the subject matter they are asking about. So please take note and stop being a stick in the mud and kindly advise then of what helpful information you know or be quiet and log off. I too am new to the forums and over the last 4 weeks I have been on I have seen a lot of nasty mud throwing yall need to stop and think can I help?
  • daveB110 wrote:
    I hadn't realized the closure of 17 was not recent, or even close. Thanks Little Kopit for posting what you did. That stretch of Trans Canada Hwy, called 17 in western Ontario is much traveled. One year when we came west an accident near Kenora closed all traffic for 15 hours. The line-up to go west was 75 to 100 kilometers, depending on the radio station you heard it from. We stayed in a Walmart overnight in Dryden.

    You can say you over-nighted at a Wal-Mart on the Cdn side of the Forum..but say that on the 'other' side? holy doodle...

    Gary Haupt
  • I hadn't realized the closure of 17 was not recent, or even close. Thanks Little Kopit for posting what you did. That stretch of Trans Canada Hwy, called 17 in western Ontario is much traveled. One year when we came west an accident near Kenora closed all traffic for 15 hours. The line-up to go west was 75 to 100 kilometers, depending on the radio station you heard it from. We stayed in a Walmart overnight in Dryden.
  • I suspect this post was triggered by the 'hwy 17 closure in Wawa'. That closure occurred last fall, but someone recently added a post to the thread asking about current conditions.

    Note that that thread has since been closed, just like the more recent Hwy 37 closure thread.

    While bringing up old closure threads to ask about current conditions is a bit a of nuisance, we also have cases of people asking about roads that were discussed just a month or week in the past.