I bumped a wasp nest a couple of weeks ago. I got one really good sting, and two not so bad. He got one not so bad. It went away and didn't take that long until the OMG sting went away.
Our house is sealed we think, but we have concerns about the dogs or cat being stung and what we need to do, if anything, about it. Neighbors up the hill found one in their dog's toy box. That's the kind of thing we worry about.
The gardener found our first scorpion last week. It was on the ground/garage level under the rug we rest our paddle boards on when we rinse them. We don't have areas that aren't landscaped well, so we are hoping we don't get scorpions. We have tarantulas, fabulous lizards, pygmy skunks, blue land crabs and iguanas, but so far no visible scorpions. May it stay that way!