Forum Discussion

relaxin's avatar
Jul 18, 2013

special treatment

over the past few years in a few parks the campers have become more ethnically diverse, which to me is nice to see other cultures trying to enjoy a popular pastime here. however our parks have rules and they are suppose to apply to everyone, some of the rules are stated on the reservation site, all on the website, on park flyers, yet how does a campsite with a 6 person limit end up with as many as 16 people living on it, and that one site in particular was not a large site but actually kind of small, its not one pair of parents with young children, in this instance it was 3 pairs of parents with 10 children (yes on one site).
That one is the most I have seen, but have seen simular occure in a couple other parks, awenda, turkey point, long point, to name a couple the last one was inverhuron, which 2 sites were occupied like that in 2 different locations (one with 16 and one with 10 or 11).
I don't go looking for this stuff but its kind of obvious when 4 cars are crammed on the site 2 sticking into the roadway, theres 3 huge tents (8 plus person each) and the kids are playing on the road as there is not a speck of space on the site. they waere only a couple sites over from me so it is kinfd of hard not to notice, the other was by the comfort station, so in walking by 3 times a day or more it to was noticable with 3 large tents and 3 cars crammed onto the site.

My pint is the rules are there for a reason, and they should apply to everyone EQUALLY with total equality, a few years back my brotherinlaw came with his young son to visit us at a campsite, we offered to let him stay the night, we could easily accommodate him in our RV as our kids slept in a tent normally, because him and his boy would have put us up to 7 on our site,,, for one night,,, with no extra equipment,,, with his car in a parking lot,,,, he was there all day on a day pass,,, he was not allowed to stay unless he rented a site and stayed overnight on that site, so here we are not really making an impact getting turned down,, which hey the rules are the rules,, no problem,, then suddenly there are other groups of people having large groups on one site and its ok? is it because of the fact they are a different ethnic culture? as the rules state a family group is 2 adult parents and their underage children, that is the only way it can go past 6 people on a site, not 3 pairs of parents (that are bothers and sisters) and their underage children.

The rule exists to protect the environment/site, the were and tear/ degradation is far greater with more equipment and people concentrated in one space.

if it was anyone else bringing their brothers and sisters and their spouses and kids, they would have to rent an appropriate amount of sites, in the case of the one I just saw would be 3 sites so did they do it to save what would have been almost $200 on 2 extra sites for 2 nights, and is a race/culture card being played to get what they want as nothing was done about it???

I was not the only one who noticed, a few other people were talking about it at the laundry facility and outside the washroom, the folks on the site next to us mentioned it as we were chatting one evening.

I am not a racist, but I do not believe "anyone" should get special privileges no matter what race or culture.

I wrote an email to Ontario parks, and they sent a reply, stating they try to enforce the rules, and if a violation of the rules is witnessed to not be afraid to report it and they will deal with it.
(so did the warden turn a blind eye and hoped no one would complain? he made his rounds a few times a day through the park,,,4 cars on a site with a 2 car limit is the first most obvious in your face clue something is not right)

Yes if it was a group of Caucasians I would have said something as well. In the past I have seen that has occurred and the park staff dealt with it in a reasonable amount of time (without my complaint)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    "Relaxin, hikin, canoin, enjoyin life"

    Just stick with your tag line and you will feel better. You cannot own this problem.
  • What we have here is a racist rant hidden inside a complaint about too many people. If there was a rules violation, complain at that time. If they don't enforce the rules, there is not much you can do about it except vote with you feet and wallet and go elsewhere. I didn't see anything in those long diatribes that indicated the people's race or ethnicity had anything to do with why a site limit was not enforced. Any racial aspect was only in the OP's mind. Obviously they wanted to inject race into a rule enforcement issue. When that happens, the entire post loses credibility to me. Racists try to make every issue about race (from both sides I might add, racial groups other than Caucasians are just as guilty of making everything that happens be about race, when it isn't).
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    relaxin wrote:
    Go Dogs wrote:
    You had and issue, wrote a letter, you received a reply with instruction. I think it would have been common sense to report a park violation, instead of 'mumbling about it'.

    next time I will.
    up here complaining about someone, who happens to be of certain ethnic backgrounds can be a little touchy,,, does not matter what the complaint is about.

    That's been my experience also. As I've stated before in the past, one needs to learn not to take it to the personal level, challenge the issue but not the person.

    ... Eric
  • How about a person checking out and then moving his camper over to his mom's site to avoid paying any site rental? Yep, baby boy moving back in with mom, in a campground!!

    He then claimed that the national reservation system allowed it!

    Yes, this really happened this summer. TWO RV's, four tents, and six cars on one site!

    After a ranger talked to him, he was gone in within 24 hours. The mom aplogized.
  • Go Dogs wrote:
    You had and issue, wrote a letter, you received a reply with instruction. I think it would have been common sense to report a park violation, instead of 'mumbling about it'.

    next time I will.
    up here complaining about someone, who happens to be of certain ethnic backgrounds can be a little touchy,,, does not matter what the complaint is about.
  • You had and issue, wrote a letter, you received a reply with instruction. I think it would have been common sense to report a park violation, instead of 'mumbling about it'.
  • WOW--that is a LOT of people on one site. We could have saved lots of $$$$ if we had done this and there is only 6 of us total! I agree, no matter who violates the rules, they must be dealt with. I'd hate to see this ignored and then it start a trend we all will dislike!!!!
  • here is the letter from Ont parks


    Thank you for your concern and interest in the parks system. At Ontario Parks we are dedicated to fairness and equity. In administering programs and services and responding to problems, staff are to treat the public in an impartial manner. All rules apply to everyone.

    Our maximum persons per campsite rule is incredibly important. Ontario Parks' primary mandate is to preserve the environment, while offering world class, sustainable recreational opportunities. The six person limit is meant to help maintain the quality of the natural spaces in which recreational activities are pursed and enjoyed so that future generations can also enjoy our beautiful provincial parks.

    While we try our best to limit the number of campers per site at the reservation and check in level, sometimes the rules are broken. Park wardens also strive to enforce park policy equitably on-site and to identify situations in which provincial park rules are not being followed; however, it can be difficult to ensure everyone in the park is abiding by all the rules at all times. We ask that when you see problems you report them to the park office or to a park warden. They will be able to investigate and deal with the issue at hand and should do so with impartial judgement and fairness.

    We are all responsible for maintaining our provincial parks. Reporting situations where problems are exist ensures the longevity and quality of the natural environment in our parks.

    Thank you again for your concern and support.

    Ontario Parks

    ...with my letter to them...

    Q: How many people are allowed on a car-camping site?
    A: No more than six people can occupy a campground campsite unless these people comprise a single-family unit consisting of parents, and their children

    this is listed in your Q & A and can be read in many of the park pamphlets and I would assume that this rule applies to everyone equally no matter what ethnic background they are.

    over the last 3 years at different parks I have seen where there is "A"
    campsite with 2 to 3 large size tents 8 or more person capacity each, 3 or more cars parked on the site and anywhere from 8 to 16 people on one site, whether they sneak them in or register them legally I have no idea, but the cars are a give away, yet nothing is done about the amount of cars on a campsite listed for 2 max.
    I was recently at a park in southwestern ontario and on 2 sites in the section I was in there was overcrouding, one had either 15 or 16 people on it, yes they were all sleeping there there was 4 cars parked there with 3 large tents, the group consisted of 6 adults, and no less than nine possibly
    10 children. the other group consisted of 3 cars and 3 large tents with what appeared to be as many as 10 or 11, later during their stay they parked a car on another site, perhaps they were caught? but they all stayed set up and sleeping on the one site.

    these rules should apply to everyone no matter what their religious beleafs or culture is,,, my brotherinlaw a few years ago was not allowed to share our campsite for one night because he and his young son would have put us up to 7 on our site,,, for one night,,,now these other people can have as many as they please on a site, is it because they may scream discrimination why the park staff will not do something about it??

    don't get me wrong I am not prejudice, but I do not approve of "special privileges" for "other cultures" so they can save a couple hundred dollars by only renting one site instead of 2 or 3, like any other person would have to do, when dragging along the brothers and sisters with their spouces and kids.

    I did not approach the park about this as it does to a degree sound racist(a white male complaining about an east indian family), nor did I want to put them(the park staff) on the spot of having to confront them, this needs to be monitored at "check in". It was obvious that it was being avoided when 4 cars were crammed onto a site for nearly 2 days (site close to the lake) their kids had to play on the road as there was not a speck of room on the site.

    If they want to camp like that then they should be renting a group camping site.

    Sorry but it bothers allot of us who follow the rules, and beleive me allot of other campers were mumbling about it at the comfort station, and on walks.

    If I spot it again I will bring it to the attention of park staff and the warden, as it is not fair to the rest of us who follow the rules